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Hi so since I've been gone for, like, MONTHS. I think I'm up for some Questions and Answer. So if you're curious about the story or anything/about me in general, feel free to ask away.

Like, I think there are a lot of plot holes in my story and I don't know how to address it (?) So I'll do my best to answer your questions if you find anything confusing.

Also, please ask me anything. LIKE ANYTHING. No matter how weird it is, just ask away. :D

Yeah, I'm just bored. And I missed you people including the readers I gained when I ghosted my story lol. (tbh I never thought I'll reach this much reads, so thank you really.)

Please ask me questions, juseyo. I wanna interact with yall so bad.

Penelope Judith: The Seductress.Where stories live. Discover now