Season 6 Episode 7: Family Matters

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"Why are you not speaking Robin" Castiel asked as he paced anxiously around the Motel room? After their encounter with Veritas, the cat was out of the bag, no pun intended. The suspicion, something was up with Sam was confirmed when she proclaimed, he's not human.

"She took a silencing potion" Dean explained casually. When Robin first took the potion, he seemed almost offended. But Dean had always respected she had things that she hid from him. Instead of being hurt by this, he figured he should be grateful she made the effort. "Back when the truth was being forced out of everyone around me. She didn't want to bail, so she did this".

"That seems wise" Castiel nodded, "You do keep quite a few secrets from Dean".

Robin raised an eyebrow but didn't bother to respond. She felt the potion wearing off, but she wasn't able to speak yet.

Castiel turned his attention back to Sam who was tied to a chair, noticing his injuries. When everything came out, between Sam not being human and what he'd done to Robin, Dean lost control. He beat Sam into submission, knocking him out before throwing him in the impala. "He looks terrible" he grumbled before looking back to Dean, "Was this your doing"?

Sam started to stir, and Castiel immediately launched into questioning. When Sam realized, they were trying to diagnose him, he became standoffish. Castiel combed through his options, until he finally came to an option he was hoping they would never reach.

"Sam" Castiel asked with a sigh. "What are you feeling right now"?

"I feel like my nose is broken" Sam scoffed as he glared at Dean.

"What" Robin forced out a whisper sarcastically, "again"?

Dean was watching as Castiel probed Sam with laser focus, but looked over to Robin briefly to say, "Welcome back".

"No, that's a physical sensation" Castiel corrected Sam, getting back to his task at hand. "How do you feel"?

"Well, I think –"

"Feel" Castiel repeated firmly.

"I" Sam stammered, "I don't know".

Castiel let out a sigh as he removed his belt telling Sam to use it to bite down on before he reached his arm into Sam's torso. Sam Screamed in pain as Castiel stood elbow deep digging around inside of him. Castiel let out one last sigh before he removed his arm, and Sam's screaming subsided. He walked away as his head hung in defeat.

"Did you find something" Robin's strengthening voice rang out?

"No" Castiel sighed.

"So that's good news" Dean asked eagerly?

"I'm afraid not. Physically, he's perfectly healthy" Castiel explained. "It's his soul. It's gone, when Sam was resurrected, it was without his soul".

The group stood in shock and silence for a moment.

"Then where is it" Robin demanded?

"My guess" Castiel asked, almost cringing? "Still in the cage with Michael and Lucifer".

"Well, it explains a lot" Robin huffed.

"It does" Dean asked her?

"Well, you would think that the soul would be the part of someone to house the more sensitive personality traits right" she shrugged? "Empathy, Sympathy, the basic concept of right and wrong. These are all things that Sam used to be plentiful in, now it's MIA".

Dean shrugged, and looked at Castiel, "So we need to get it back. Cass, you got me out".

"It took several angels to rescue you, and you weren't nearly as well guarded" Castiel replied. "Sam's soul is in Lucifer's cage. There's a big difference. It's not possible".

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