break up

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Ship: brance expect it's not because they're breaking up

> bruce and vance break up

Bruce's POV:

I signed.. I couldn't do this anymore I have to break up with vance he acts like I'm his friend not his boyfriend! And also I lost feelings for him.

Vance's POV:

Bruce wanted to meet after school probably to kiss or some shit. I saw Bruce and walked over.

"Hey! Bruce."

"Uh.. Could we talk?"

"Oh is it about yesterday when I pushed you into the elevator by accident so it took us to hours to find each other?"


"Oh what then?"

"I.. think we should break up."

"Shit.. No! We can fix this? Please I'm sorry if I did something."

Bruce's POV:

Vance went over to me grabbing my hands I could feel him shaking.


He sounded like he was on the verge of crying. I thought of just saying this was all just a prank but that was stupid I shook my head pushing vance back a little then walking away.

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