New Family (Part 2)

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Well, this is finally the last chapter. Thanks for accompany me in this travel of love, fight and mysteries. Thanks so much for all the readers that support me, especially @ChrysiT that support me since the beginig of the story. Thanks for all your comments, for your votes. If you want more about Stalia, please check the other part of this saga. It's call "What if I leave?" Again, thanks!

PS: sorry for the short chapter :(

I hope you to enjoy it!!


"Hey Malia, what's your favorite food?" my father ask.

"Deer" she asnwer and i slap my face.

"Pizza, she likes pizza" i say looking at her and she smile. 'It's progress' i say just moving my lips and sme smile more.

I open my eyes. That was a good memory.

I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting for Malia to come to rescue me. Im starving! And they just go to eat pizza! I'm in the agency of police, alone. It's night and everyone is at home.

I hear some footsteps and when i turn to see who was, i sigh. Malia.

"Hey" i say and she smile.

"I bring you some food" she say pointing a big box of pizza. And i nod.

"You can help me?" i ask pointing the chains and she nod. She get close enough so she can broke the chain. I smile to her and she also. "That's my coyote!" i say like she is a little girl.

I take her face with my hands and in a fast movement i kiss her. So apasionate, and the taste of her lips with mine was a kind of adictive, i need her, and she need me.

We need each other.

I pass my hand under her shirt, while i kiss her in her lips, bite her lower lip making her moan. Then i go to her neck and i bite it too. Her hands was playing with my t-shirt under it, acaressing me.

"Ma- Ma- Malia..." i try to say, but for a strange reason i was so nervous. "I ..." i try to say but she shut me up with a kiss. I dont say anything, i just go to one of the chairs and i sit.

She smile while she sit above me, i hug her taking her with one hand from her back and with the other i caress her in her hip. She take out my shirt. I know what is next. But this is not the place. Anyway, i dont care. I want this.

I want fell again her body next to mine, her breath mixed with mine, we both in one soul.

She separate smiling and i also, and at the same time with out breathings accelerated we whisper.

"More" and we kiss.

I approach more to her. This is good, i remeber to myself. Malia is good for me. She is all i want. Since i meet her in echo house.

She is my family, my girlfriend, my friend, my soul mate, my evertything.

I separate and she frown.

"Malia..." i say and she listen me. "I love you, i really love you" i say and iremeber when i say that in echo house. I fell like it was yesterday when i meet her. "I need you" i say and she still looking at me serious. "You the best thing that have ever happend to me" i say and she smile.

I kiss her in her neck, then in her cheek, and i finished with her lips. Our lips move so perfectly, she know exactly what she need to do with my lips. I hug her touching her arms and she just was touching my shoulders. We kiss until we need air. And that's is the moment. I need to tell her.

I stare at her for a seconds, and then i say so sure.

"You are my anchor"

My "ANCHOR"(Stalia Fanfiction) [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now