Jealousy - Cristina Yang

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{ Your Pov}

"Hey Dr Y/L/N! How's my favorite girl today?" I heard a deep male voice behind me and I sighed as I looked up from my patient charts and turned around. I knew it. I knew it was Mark. I'd recognized his voice anywhere. "What do you want, Sloan?" I asked with an annoyed tone to my voice. "Woah hey.. bad day?" He smirked and looked down at me. "Not at all. Until you started talking." I rolled my eyes and turned back around. Mark had been trying to flirt with me ever since I started my internship here, even though I've made it quite clear that I don't want anything to do with him. Hell no. I had my eyes set on someone else... someone who is way more my type than Mark will ever be.

{ Cristina's pov}

Another surgery was successfully done and I went to look at the surgery board when I saw Y/N standing in the hallway, talking to... Mark Sloan. I'm so stupid, I thought to myself. If it weren't for my stupid addiction to surgeries, I could have skipped this one and maybe gotten the chance to talk to Y/N before Dr McSteamy could get to her... I looked at them, raging inside. What am I thinking? Y/N would never want talk to me, let alone be friends anyway. Especially not when Mark is around. I'm just this rude person that everyone hates. I wanted to approach them so bad, but I didn't dare. Instead, I turned around to go somewhere else... to be alone..

{ Your pov}

As I stood there trying to ignore Mark, who by the way was still behind me, I saw something in my side view. A dark haired woman in dark blue scrubs walking down the hallway. Cristina! I thought as I quickly dropped the patient chart on the desk in front of me and started following her. "Hey where are you going?!" I heard Mark say behind me, but I totally shut him out as my only focus was on Cristina. I didn't know what it was, but it was something about her that made me feel some sort of way. I know everyone says she's rude and only cares about herself and her own career, but I think that Cristina deep down is a caring and loving person.

I followed Cristina all the way to.. the on call room. She opened the door, walked inside, and closed the door behind her. I took a deep breath and decided to knock carefully on the door. "Cristina? It's me.. Y/N... are you okay?" I asked concerned as she seemed kind of down. I received no answer, but the door was open so I decided to slowly open it. "Cristina..?" I opened the door and saw Cristina sitting on the floor with her back against the bed. She wasn't crying, she wasn't smiling and she wasn't talking... I sat down next to her bringing my knees up to my chin. We sat there both quiet for a couple of minutes before she turned her head to look at me. "Do you like Mark?" She suddenly asked. I looked at her confused. "What do you mean? I can't stand him!" She smiled and chuckled. "Yeah, he's not as McSteamy as some people say he is."

"And how do you know that?" I asked Cristina. "Know what exactly?" She said confused. "That he's not as McSteamy as some people say he is." I said. I could feel her body shaking a little. I smirked, looking into her eyes."Okay okay, it was a long time ago.. let's not talk about it.." she said quickly and got up from the floor. "Hey, wait! Are you going?" I asked as I also got up from the floor. "Please don't go... why don't we just stay here... just a little longer.." I reach out my hand and Cristina turned back around, first looking at my hand, then me. She smiled and placed her hand in mine. I pulled her closer to me and placed my other hand around her waist as I leaned in for a kiss.

I pulled away from her a little and we both looked at each other in complete silence before she pulled me back in, holing her hands around my waist, placing her lips on mine.. going in for a deeper kiss. It was soft to begin with, but quickly escalated to something more and I could feel her tongue in my mouth as she lead me to the bed, pushing me onto it while still kissing me. All of a sudden I heard a loud beeping sound. "Damn.. it's my pager.. I- I have to go.. Cris-" Cristina moved to my neck and started biting me. I couldn't help but let out a moan. "C- Cristina.. please I have to go... I'm being paged.." She stopped, helped me up from the bed and smiled. "Okay Y/N, you can go. But, we better continue this later." She said as she held me by my wrist and dragged me to the door. "I promise.." I said before I opened the door and walked out.

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