running away part 2

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Ship: brance

Vance's POV:

Bruce looked uncomfortable with me, it had been hours since we ran away and we haven't said a word to each other.

"Bruce uh- wanna go?"

"No.. It's fine."

"Why haven't you said anything?"

",I don't know vance maybe.. It's because I just realized that your not the one I want to be with."

"Huh- your joking right?"

"I still like you.. It's just my psrents, we can't keep running forever can we?"

"Yes we can.."

"No we don't.. Live in a fairy tail, plus you desvere someone better.

Bruce's POV:

I scooted over next to vance and grabbed his hand then gave him a kiss which he looked confused to.

".. I'm confused I thought we were breaking up?"

"Let's just spend the rest of the time together until our parents find us."

It didn't take long after 15 minutes my parents came yelling at me and vance mostly vance. Then I went home knowing that I wouldn't see vance again.. If I'm honest I was a little happy.

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