Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
I fell to my knees and my breathing starts to fasten.
The bodies of my mom, my siblings..their blood staining the snow.
'Why... why did it end like this...and...'
"Maybe one or two of you will do."
The ma- The monster's skin on it's back ripped open as two tentacles came out of it.
Those two tentacles pierced by and Nezuko's chests.
'He pierced us both, so why am i alive and why is Nezuko not here?!'
I checked over myself noticing that while my clothes are ripped, i don't have any injuries. My left eye however, hurt and i couldn't open it not matter what i did.
It doesn't make sense...i KNOW that thing in a suit harmed me.
I fell face first into a cold snow, my face should be freezing but its not.
"Why.....why did this happen to us?"
I heard a crunch right next to my ear, someone stepped on the snow.

And thats how i met Tomioka Giyu.
Tanjiro walked across his vilage with the same basket he used to carry coal in, only this time he had some clothes, blankets and an axe inside, he managed to get an black eyepatch from his mom's friend, it felt weird on his face.
He stopped walking and turned his head a little and there a little girl dressed in a black top and black skirt was propped up on a wall of a bulding. The black haired girl gazed up a little and i notice her eyes....were golden.

And thats i met someone who today, i consider my daughter.
I freeze in my tracks as the smell of blood assaulted my smell.
Cassidy¹, the little girl with me and also from another part of the world as i learned, stopped walking because she was holding my hand.
Without saying anything, Tanjiro picked her up and started running. She held onto him and burried her head in his shoulder.
Soon they neared a shrine, setting Cassidy down, he oppened the door.
A demon feasting on a corpse of two dead humans was inside it's gaze moving to look at Tanjiro.
"Hey, hey don't you know this is my tu-"
It paused itself its eyes narowing.
"Hey, are you both...humans?"
The demon lunged at Tanjiro pushing him to the groud and held him there.
As Tanjiro started strugling againts it, the time around him seemed to slow and everything around him was now in black and white colours.
"What is.."
"Hello, Kamado Tanjiro."
A man that manifested out of nowhere, stood infront of him and spoke.
"Wh- who are you?"

"I go by many names, but we can talk about it later

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"I go by many names, but we can talk about it later."
I wanted to get up but couldn't as the demon was still pining me, despite it not moving and not actually chocking me anymore it still held me in the ground and had it's hands on my throat.
"Tell me why..why are you just letting it hurt you?"
"What do you want me to do ?! Its a demon, right?"
"That doesn't mean you are unable to defeat it. Or atleast hold it off."
Yet another voice came from behind the men in the coat.

"Yet another voice came from behind the men in the coat

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'Great there's two of them.'
"Kamado Tanjiro, you'll fight."
"You'll win."
"You'll destroy anyone in your way."
The two men spoke one after another.
"You will claim the tittle of Kenpachi of this world."
The man in the coat tossed the axe right next to Tanjiro's hand.
"And don't forget to breathe."
He felt a strange rush of energy inside his body and notice a little fragments of yellow glow on his hand as he gripped his axe tightly.
The time then resumed.
"According to the way you stand, the way your body is built, the way you move your legs...the point of your balance is."
The demon's eyes widened as it felt a poke of something sharp on shin and then it lost its balance.
Cassidy, stabbed it with some small steel knife.
"You little shit!"
The demon went to attack her but suddenly it felt a sharp pain on his stomach.
It looked down at the human it hurt before but straight away it noticed something about him is different.
A big toothy grin spread on Tanjiro's place as he ripped the axe out of the demon.
"Is that all?"
He asked and his vissible eye showed that he was bored.
"Thanks for the save clever girl but leave it to me now."
Tanjiro launched at the demon at speed that shouldn't be possible for a human.
'Atleast for a human without a breathing style.'
The demon's eyes widened.
'Fuck, is he a slayer?'
The demon jumped away just in time before Tanjiro's axe ended on the ground with one mighty swing.
The ground crackled because of the pressure from his attack.
The demon's shock however was directed to something different than this human's strenght.
Breathing styles, are an ancient way of how to gain Supernatural abilities through correct way of breathing. Now the elements themselfs are merely mostly illusional, only a very trained human's eyes, mostly Hashiras could actually see the "illusions" made from breathing styles. And demons could see them too of course.
But this...
'This isn't a breathing it?'
Cassidy didn't notice anything and neither did Tanjiro but in the demon's eyes.

Not only that but a tall man who's body is seemingly made out of a long black coat stood behind him

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Not only that but a tall man who's body is seemingly made out of a long black coat stood behind him.

Not only that but a tall man who's body is seemingly made out of a long black coat stood behind him

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He's late.
Sakonji Urokodaki ran fast down a forest road.
He didn't notice at first but soon the smell of two humans was overpowered by a smell of a demon.
He ran into a clearing but soon stopped in shock as he came across a boy with his arms crossed and bloodthirsty smirk. Next to him a little black haired girl was sitting on a....beheaded body of a demon.
'What the..?'
"Who are you?"
The red eyed boy asked as he noticed him.
"Eh, doesn't matter you're just in time for the show."
Sakonji tilted his head but as he took a look around he understood. There on a tree a demon's head was impaled with axe in the middle of its forehead.
"C'mon! I'm sorry okay ?! Get me ouf of here! Please!"
The demon screamed in pain as the Sun came out and it started to burn it.
"Interesting. They literaly catch on fire...hmm why is that?"
The girl muttered staring at the burning head.
Her eyes widened as she quickly got up and just in time because the body she was sitting caught on fire too.
After all that was over the boy turned around to Sakonji, his cruel smile replaced by a calm and gentle one.
"Hello, my name is Kamado Tanjiro and who might you be?"
'Giyu...who in the Hell have you send me?'

First chapter here!
1 - Not only it is a fnaf reference the name Cassidy also means "clever" which is a hint for the future.
Also, sorry if there's any mistakes here, my beta reader wasn't avaible today and i didn't want to postpone this again. Allright thank you for reading!

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