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Ship: rinney

> robin gets finney a hamster.

Robin's POV:

Oh god! I haven't picked anything out for finney it's been a month since we started dating I think.. Today's our anniversary? So I'm trying to think of things to get him IM only 13 so I can't get much. Maybe the pet store? I'm not an animal person but finney is all he talks about is animals. I reach into my pocket to see how much money I have 20.. Dollars that's not going to get me a pet maybe I can Like make up a sob story. I leave my house and walk to the pet store walking inside waiting patiently.. Very patiently.

"Hello? Uh- HELLO.."

I said to the cashiers who's busy reading a magazine.

"What? If your looking for a pet just look for yourself."

I go further into the store looking for an animal that might suit finney I saw a snake.. And thought about it but didn't get it I'm trying to scare finney to death. A mouse? Still fucking no! I don't think he would like that.. Finally I got a hamster, hamsters they're sweet animals they're sweet like finn and easy to take care of.


Finney's POV:

I looked, at the result of the chocolate cake that I tried to cook for.. Our anniversary gwen already ate it though she must of took it out while I was doing my home work so I was left with half of the cake.

"Gwen! This was supposed to be for robin."

"I already made an apology in my head wanna hear it?"


"I am so sorry for eating my brothers cake I will never ever ever do it again! Ok.. Maybe I will but not in front of you."

"Gwen- just don't even speak."

The doorbell rang I opened the door robin stood there with a box with a hole in the middle in his hands.

"Hi! Robin what's that?"

"I'll show you.. In a second."

Robin walked inside putting the box down.

"Uh.. So gwen kind of ate the gift I made you."

"It's fine, I don't need a gift I have you."

"Im not.. A gift? Im literally a human being."

"Never mind."

"So what'd you get me!"


"a hamster!"

"HOW the hell did you know?"

"WAIT, you actually got me a hamster?"

Robin nods I've literally wanted a hamster since I was 5! I give robin kisses everywhere and he laughs.

"Okay.. That's enough finn I'm getting dizzy!"

I stop and open the box holding the hamster in my hands almost crying.

"He's.. Adorable!"

"So what are you going to name it?"

"Ugly ass."


".. Kidding I'll name it Harold."

"EW? Harold, what.. Kind of name is that."

"What its cute!"

"No.. No it's not."

"Im still naming him harolddd..."


"geez fine, I'll name it.. Fred."

"What is up with you and these ugly ass names?"

"They're unique, not ugly."

I held the hamster on my lap petting it and kept getting bit every single time.

Robin's POV:

I gave finney a kiss, and  he kissed me.

"Thanks.. For the hamster robin I love you a lot."

"I love you too!"

I smiled.

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