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"Best day ever!" Dazai exclaimed, Chuuya's hand clasped firmly in his own.

Chuuya grinned up at him through his wet hair, "Yeah, it was pretty awesome, huh?"

"Awesome?" Dazai asked incredulously, "Surfing all day, hanging out with a wet little dog? Awesome wishes it was this awesome," Dazai continued, earning a scoff and a punch to the arm from Chuuya.

"Ouch, shorty! I'm sensitive," he pouted.

"Sure you are, asshole."

Dazai grinned down at him brightly, not quite catching the way Chuuya's eyes traced the curve of his smile and how they filled with worry. Chuuya had been meaning to tell Dazai his news for weeks now but he just couldn't think of the right time to do it. Everything just seemed so perfect with him, bringing it up seemed like it would ruin what they had built up sooner than he was ready to face.

"Um, listen, Dazai..."

"Ooh, did you hear about tomorrow?" Dazai said cutting Chuuya off with another grin, not noticing Chuuya's stiff smile.

"Yeah... can you believe they're talking about forty-foot waves?" The redhead grinned hesitantly.

"There's a huge storm coming up from the north."

"I mean, surf like that only happens here once every thirty years."

"Yeah, can you imagine dropping in on a barrel that huge?" Dazai asked, releasing his hand from Chuuya's grip and making a dramatic gesture with his hands.

Chuuya laughed brightly at his antics and once again took Dazai's hand into his own as Dazai loudly exclaimed, "Summer's not over yet!" Earning yet another laugh from Chuuya, his cheeks glowing in the sun.

"Come on, dumbass, I'm starving," Chuuya said pulling Dazai forward.

"Race you to the house!" Dazai challenged, having already taken off.

Chuuya watched him go, apprehension coating his face as he slowly made his way to the entrance of his friend, and guardian for the summer, Albatross's hut located directly on the beach.

Why did Dazai have to make everything so impossible?

Said boy stuck his arms out on either side of him with a smug grin on his face. "I clearly won."

"Yeah, yeah. I let you win," Chuuya rolled his eyes, "You're not getting off that easy next time, Mackerel."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Shorty," Dazai started as he leaned in to whisper in Chuuya's ear for the second part, "but we both know it's those tiny little legs of yours, huh?"

Chuuya immediately broke out of the trance Dazai had put in him while whispering in his ear to smack him on the cheek, "As if, you ass!"

Dazai just grinned down at him, rubbing his newly pink cheek with his sandy hand. Chuuya smiled softly at that and whipped the sand off gently.

"I know you put the sand there on purpose, Dazai."

Dazai looked Chuuya in the eyes, "...Yeah."

"Sap," the shorter boy laughed and dragged him into the house by the hand that was limp by his side.

"First thing tomorrow we hit the beach and that awesome surf, right, Cheebs?"

Chuuya raised his eyebrow at the altered version of his usual "Chibi" but didn't ask any questions, instead dawning a look of worry on his face.

"Dazai, about tomorrow..." Chuuya started once again, only to be interrupted by the sound of a movie playing loudly in the next room.

"No way," Dazai grinned, skipping over to where he heard the movie. Chuuya looked at him in desperation but soon followed.

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