chapter 5 sun up

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y/n pov 

as the dark night got light and the moon settled down i could feel rengoku warm presents come closer "hey flame i think it's time for us to go" i heard ren say as he grabbed my shoulder "yeah you're right" i say looking back with a warm smile 

as we found our way back to the entrance i felt ren intertwine his arm with mine. after a bit of waiting we saw the rest of the kids leave the woods "is that really all the people that survived?!?" i said looking up at rengoku with worry sum eyes "yeah not many people survive that's why i was so scared when you got snatched"  he said looking forward with a sad face "you were scared?" i said looking up at him with a shake in my voice "of course y/n you are everything to me why wouldn't i be scared?!?!"he said looking down at me with a worried face 

as he said that it's like the world froze below us. as our bodies are basically one i could feel his warm breath hit my neck sending shivers down my spine as i grab his delicate cheek i could feel us begin getting closer and closer "Welcome back everyone" i hear making me realize what me and ren was doing. i quickly jump back and go in my spot acting like nothing happened

"now we will hand you your demon slayer uniforms" said one of the girls while the other went to measure us. when she was done the other girl clapped two times which made many crows fly above our heads and slowly pick who they want to land on "look y/n look at this" rengoku said as he lifted up arm with his crow  "wow i think he likes you" i said with a goofy smile "y/n look above you" as i did i saw a small crow land on my shoulder "hello" i said looking at him with a small smile 

"now the time has come please select a orb for your sword. the steel you will use to protect yourself and to annihilate countless demons will be that of your own choosing" as she said that i felt a wave of excitement come over me "lets go rengoku!" i said grabbing his hand and leading him to the table. as we got to the table  it too me a minute to choose the steel i want but something came over me to pick the one in the middle "i'll pick the one next to yours y/n" ren said as he slowly picked up the orb next to mine "do you think this one will be strong i mean it was next to yours" he said with a big dumb smile on his face "shut up" i said hitting his shoulder wile laughing uncontrollably "no i'm serious" he said looking down at me while grabbing my wrist "what do you mean?"  said looking up "i mean ever since i met you my life has been so much more better i mean you make me want to get out of bed and help the people that need it the most because even if you know it or not you help me everyday and i don't know how to thank you enough" as he said that i jumped up and hugged him "thank you rengoku thank you for being in my life" 

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