chapter four vampire in seabrooke

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Zed poverty

Whlie i was doing  all the cooking and cleaning  up for my beloved wife she was busy writing  down baby names for our child  hey  honey would you please come over here please of course  honey so darling  as I was thinking  if the baby was a boy I was thinking about naming him dennis archie carpenter necropolis or maybe Andrea rosaline wells  necropolis besides I with to the doctor today  she said that we are having a  healthy baby girl besides she a fighter just like her mom. How we gets some sleep I tell her  and she noddeds as we with to sleep

Yn dream

Whlie I was sleeping  my dream had turn into a nightmare  it when after I had given birth to Andrea Andrea was in my arms Whlie I kept  her safe and 🛡  her from the fight. Whlie zed had zombie out to fight the vampire 🧛‍♂️ jesse had  manger to gained the  upper hand  and had stabbed zed throught his stomach  and tossing  his lifeless body on to the floor  and I was  right there crying no no zed please honey don't let me go  please  yn cry as jesse kidnapped both his girl and now soon to be step daughter

End of the dream

Yn pov

After that I had woken up screaming 😱 my head off as I turned around and look at my husband still asleep. And then put a hand on my pregnant stomach where my baby  girl is  and  out of nowhere I started crying to myself and just then zed woken up to comfort me  oh my goodness  I  had worst the nightmare ever where I was holding Andrea  in my arms and whlie you fought jesse he had killed you and he tooken me and Andrea and telling you I love you too much to lose you yn tells me whlie crying hey hey it okay am not going to let him get my girls and  I have  promise your family that I would protect you both I tell as we when back to bed.

kidnapped zed  necropolis x yn Wells love storyWhere stories live. Discover now