The race to stop an evil

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Chapter 21

Clouds of dust fell through the trees, catching the afternoon sun, coming through the nearby buildings. Sural frowned as he looked around at the once elaborate buildings. Now half of them, reduced to rubble.

"Well men."

He said, "We better get to it. Look for survivors. We will bury the dead when we have searched the entire city. "

Balbazar and the others raced to the north. Dreledore was several miles away and the afternoon sun was face approaching.

'Claire's heart saddened, she thought, back to the moment, as she watched what Balbazar was forced to do.'

'She watched as he got further ahead of the rest of them. The burden he was now carrying was unimaginable, not only to Balbazar, but Claire as well. If everyone knew the truth, that Claire had to watch him carry out Cassandras' request, he told everyone he had done it. He didn't hide that fact. But why did Claire feel it was necessary for the others to know she had been a witness to it? Perhaps it wasn't. But it wasn't only that, she has shared her observations with her brother Saraston about the pains that Balbazar was carrying. The pain of having to kill to an innocent woman guilty of no crime, except being forced to serve Maroch bear an evil child and to die by another's hand for redemption. Then there was the unknown revelation, that she was a Lithuanian exile, and the defeat of Maroch, would help bring about peace, and justice, for his people. Claire desperately hoped he would not have to sacrifice himself, as Lexionius did, to achieve victory.'

The hot west sun was setting behind the oak trees that had lost their foliage from the unusually lengthy summer. The clouds of dust formed by the horse's fast gallop were settling through the leaves, the rays of sunshine formed bands in the thick dust.

Balbazar gave his horse another sharp kick to go faster. The large animal let out a loud cry in protest.

The animal was already at full gallop. If he did not ease up some, the horse would surely throw him out of spite. Saraston thought.

Saraston was the closest. He shook his head in disgust.


Saraston called out, "The horse is a full sprint, there is no need to keep kicking, him he'll die of exhaustion, if you don't let up! "

The sound of pounding hooves drowned Saraston's voice out on dry, solid soil. Saraston frowned in defeat. Just as he thought he needed to cast a spell to spook Balbazar's steed, to slow him down, a pace. Balbazar came to an abrupt halt.

He pulled back his reins hard as the large animal reared on its hind legs and let out a sharp cry. For a moment, everyone thought Balbazar would slide right out of his saddle.

'It would have served him right for pushing his steed so hard. Saraston thought.'

Saraston could hear labored gasps as his horse snorted and coughed, struggling to catch its breath.

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