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Cover by @munhegi

Her Faithful Pawn (1)

He always believes in his goal and his ambition. "Ambitious", no matter where he is. He could always hear the voices from the past. They had always said that he is one ambitious man. His never-ending fire to succeed. His determination to not stop thriving for what he believes in is what makes him important. That is his sole reason to abandon his worthless position to join his wise mistress. In hope that his new role could fill the empty hole of his so-called heart.

He never regret his decision when he joined her. When his mistress first confronted him, he always thought that she is too greedy for something that was not meant to be a decision of one person alone. But her determination to stir him right to her side is very admirable. Stubborn is the other word.

"Don't you wish for a world free from poverty, illness, and death?" The demoness once asked her in the garden. Long ebony hair brushed neatly, glimmering under the warmth sun ray. Even when she wears those plain dresses, her beauty still outshines them. But looks can be deceiving. Under those glamours isn't a young beauty but a white-haired demoness. "No one can escape poverty, illness, and death." The chief told her. "Not even Gods?" She asked. Her eyes momentarily turn red in a flash before they turn back to black.

As a former chief, he knows a deceiving person just by talking to them. The word manipulative describes the demoness well. It's foolish to be naive enough to believe the beguiling whispers of the demoness who hides herself behind a glamour. The sweet promises that only a mere dream could grant. But he couldn't help but reach his arm out towards hers.

Maybe desperation had led him to the arm of the demoness. When his ideals and faith around him crumbled down like sands. When he felt the air is poisonous to breathe, suffocating himself in the endless torment of life. No one offers their hands to him, except the merciful Báigǔjīng. Those one small act, only left him with a deeper feeling of admiration and respect for the demoness.

"How did you fall into this pitiful state, my respectable Chief of War?" The demoness asked, kneeling in front of him and holding his uninjured shoulder. "It seems like they had abandoned you." The white-haired demoness said, not even using her friendly, more harmless form to approach the injured and angry warrior.

"Where are they? Those who sing praises of your name? Why did they abandon you once the situation isn't favorable?" She questioned further. But only silence greeted the demoness.

"It's funny, isn't it? The one who you believe in has left you. While the person you disliked, is always there for you?" The demoness said tilting her head to get a clearer look at the warrior's injury. "All you need to do is join me. And I'll help you to achieve what you most desire." The white-haired demoness said with a cunning smile before offering her other hand to the warrior. The ebony-haired warrior stares at her hand and quickly shakes her hand. Sealing the deal between the warrior and the demoness.

Everything would have been great, everything would have been flawless if it weren't for the meddling group of four. His mistress, Lady Bone Demon only wished for a new great start. A world that holds righteous ideals. To erase negativity in the world. But the monk Tang Sanzang doesn't approve of her ways. And lock his mistress in a tomb deep in the earth's crust. But regardless of the distance separating himself from his mistress. He could still communicate with her. He could still whisper of her new plan. He doesn't know how she manages to do it. But she's powerful so it should be possible. It's either that or he has gone insane.

Following the whispers of his mistress. He found himself a key in the desert just like the whispers has instructed him. He left the key in a place, reachable by the creator of the samadhi fire. His lady is secretive. She chooses the red-haired demon to free her instead of him, her faithful warrior. And instead of choosing to be freed immediately. Lady Bone Demon is patient enough to wait for hundreds of years in the tomb. Because of her vision of what destiny has laid waiting for her. And as a loyal ally, he chooses to stand aside and complete her command.

It's amusing to watch from afar. To see the demon bull family roaming the mortal realm. Terrorizing the city. What caught his attention is the tube connected behind the tall bull demon armor. The bones of his mistress. He could tell by the slight flash of the demon bull king's eyes, that he is currently possessed or maybe manipulated by the demoness. He didn't get any new tasks from the white-haired demoness after she is freed from her imprisonment. But he is willing to stand by and watch the show.

Sadly the show didn't last long. The famous great sage equal to heaven quickly catch up to the news and showed up. And defeated them, breaking the glass tube behind the armor of the demon bull king. Freeing the demoness once again to search for a new host. Her new host is a young ebony-haired girl. Standing under the shadow of the old building, "Is there anything I could help, My Lady?" He asked. But to his disappointment the lady bone demon said no and told him to stay in the shadow until further notice.

He did what he is told. He only stays in the shadow, watching the brilliant show. His mistress manipulated the spider queen in her favor. But like any arrogant low-life, the spider queen is shameless enough to think she is above all. A worthless piece of pawn, in his opinion. His mistress's plan once again failed, thanks to The Monkey King and Demon Bull King.

Lady Bone Demon's next plan requires his help. It's a delightful feeling when you get to do what you love the most. To aid his mistress in his plan by bringing the traitor, six-eared macaque to their side by force. Together with the help of a shadow manipulator, they will cleanse the realms with the samadhi fire. They only need three rings and the red-haired demon for their plan.

They have the rings, they have the great sage equal the heaven in their control, and they have the boy trapped in ice as his mistress mech's fuel. Everything should be perfect by now. Destiny has spoken to his mistress. But the reality is cruel enough to destroy it. Monkey King and Red Son manage to break free from Lady Bone Demon's control before she could cleanse the realms out of their misery.

Once again anger and sadness engulfed him in their arms as he watches his hope and dreams crumbling again for the second time. The way the mech fell to pieces to the ground and the legendary staff Rúyì Jīngū Bàng, destroy his mistress permanently this time.

But a glimmer of hope shined in his eyes when he saw a familiar blue orb escape from Lady Bone Demon's body and flees away. He didn't hesitate to follow it. He didn't walk but run following it. No one tries to stop him, too blinded by their victory to even notice the small detail that could lead them to their doom.

It's just like the time when the tube behind Demon Bull King's armor broke. A blue orb surrounded by mist flees to find a new host. Despite the fact that this time the orb is tiny than the one he saw before. He still believes that his mistress could rise once again to destroy those meddling pests.

The orb flies fast through the forest, while the warrior behind it is desperate chasing it. Avoiding every obstacle, in hope that he didn't lose sight of the orb. Soon a crying sound of an infant harassed his ears. The ebony-haired man kept following the orb, he could hear the crying infant noise getting louder.

He made it to what it seems like a campsite. There are several broken tents, some are damaged beyond repair. A lot of tracks from boots mark to a beast footprint marking the ground. The blue orb slowed down and approached one of the orange tents near a big tree where the source of the wailing sounds come from. Behind the tent, there is a big tree. The orb approached and lower itself down near the ground before diving into a hole.

The ebony-haired warrior quickly lay down the ground to inspect the hole under the tree. It looks like a rabbit hole but instead of a couple of rabbits. He found a wailing infant covered with only a blue blanket and a blue orb inside. The orb didn't hesitate to merge with their new yet weak host. The infant's crying calmed down, opening their eyes to gaze at the warrior. Brown eyes meet blue eyes. Before the infant closes their eyes and falls asleep in the small hole protecting them from large predators.

It wasn't part of the plan to raise an infant. But he truly believes that inside the infant there's a piece of his mistress soul stuck in them. And now it's his responsibility along with a certain demon to raise the child. The warrior carefully carries the infant out from the hole and cradles the infant in his arm. Her Last Remaining Soul.

Should I make this a spicynoodle fanfic?

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