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~mabels pov~

It was a chilly day, dipper and I stayed in for a while, dipper hang off the couch, reading his sibling brothers book, as I layed on the ground, thinking of what this fall will hold, then I remembered it is fall!

"Hey dip"
"Its fall"
"October is in fall"

Dippers eyes snaped wide, almost as though he had forgotten what season it was

"Oh my god your right"
"She should start Planing our costumes. That is, unless you don't want to"
"Are you kidding? After last summer, i have so meny ideas, we cant just not do it this year, and i promise, i wont be stupid this time"
"I hope not, summerween, got me pumped for real Halloween!"

"someone say halloween?"

"Hey great uncle ford, are you excited too?"
"of course, this is my first halloween back home, in over 30 years, and i get to spend it with the family i love"
"Im happy i get to spend it with you as well grunkle ford!"

I smiled, I wonder what everyone's costumes will be? What would Williams be?

Dipper leaned on the arm rest, beaming as the thought dawned on him "You and stan could do a twin costume, like mabel and i do!"

Ford chuckled, "perhaps we will, I'll just need to convince stan..."
"i hope you do, it would be so fun! We would get so much candy!" I mentioned, imagine the butt load of candy, im not about to let this go.

~soon after~

Dipper and I layed on the the floor thinking of ideas, more like I was laying down and he was siting criss cross *apple sauce*

I chuckled I bit, then went back to the job at hand

"Oo! I have an idea"
"Yeah? What is it?"
"We could do that one thing that happened with bill, you know, When his eye was torn out?"
Dipper chuckled "we could do that, but have we ever done vampires? I dont think we have"
"Oh come on dipper, were in gravityfalls this summer! Lets get a bit weird!"

I heard a muffled voice
I looked around, and clearly dipper heard it to

*"over here!"*

I turned to the window to see William out side it

"Oh my god"

I ran over to the window and William rolled / fell out of it, landing on his back on the floor

"Are you okay?" I asked as William quietly chuckled

"What are you two doing?" He asked smiling
"Planing out our halloween costumes" Dipper explained

William rolled over, propping his head up, and elbows on the floor
"Whats halloween?"

~end of chater 3~

[Hey there, haven't talked like this in a bit.
so uhhh...
sorry i haven't been posting regularly, i have like, three storys im trying to work on at the same time.
and dont worry i plan to continue like that, but my life can be unpredictable at times.
i dont think I'll ever not post for a month but you know, things can happen.
if you like this sorry please vote, and read my other storys!
maybe even follow me! If i ever get past 5 followers I'll just be so happy!
I hope you have been enjoying this storry, if so please tell me! And leave any suggestions for fluff or storry points in the comments!
Have a good day/night/evening/next 24 hours]

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