258: The New God & The False God (2)

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Chapter 258: The New God & The False God (2)

Neji-prime in Kumo was still sitting on his wooden chair that was more like a badly made throne. However, there were more dead bodies around him now compared to half an hour ago.

The Kumo ninjas had obviously heard of the battle, and seen the tailed beast bombs and the fully transformed Gyuki since it was too tall to miss. So the Ninjas ran to check what was happening and then tried their luck against Neji. At last, most of them had died. Some had fled, but Neji didn't care to stop them.

He had earned 77 levels from their deaths. Allowing him to pass Level 600 and therefore gain a new Voidmancer ability. This skill, [Shadow Swimming] allowed him to jump into shadows as if they were water and swim inside them and travel from one place to another without notifying anyone.

Even now, he could also feel gazes looking at him from the far—probably using binoculars—but none of them had the courage to attack. At first they tried doing long-ranged jutsus, but Neji just countered the same attack with much more lethality. Annoyed at all that, upon he threatened to kill the unconscious Raikage (who basically was a Hostage) once, no other attacks came.

Neji stood up from his chair and walked up to Raikage's still unconscious figure, Neji placed a hand on top of the kage's head.

"Sisty, make sure [Gamer's Mind] doesn't destroy his mind," Neji requested and got a hum from his system in return. He needed the Kages alive for them to start the 4th Great Ninja War when the plot moves—and they would be more likely to do it if Neji just left them alive after a harsh defeat.

Neji activated the Yamanaka clan Jutsu that one of his clones had just stolen- ‹Psycho Mind Transmission› -and entered Raikage's mind. Usually, it took the user hours to search for the right information, but with his high INT and WIS it was surprisingly easy.

He soon found the location of the [Lightning Cloak] Jutsu. It was in a hidden chamber inside Raikage's living quarters. Neji swiftly sent a clone there who found the technique laying around and learned it in an instant—by clicking [Yes] when the system prompt popped up.

With that done, he had consequently finished three quests today. The first was the quest to beat the Raikage and Killer Bee. The second was Lady Luck's quest of becoming a God that he got when he first arrived in the Naruto world. The third one was about pulling off a successful heist on Kumo's village Jutsu Vault and also stealing the Lightning Cloak jutsu.

As it's reward, the first quest provided Neji with 95-levels and additionally, a titled A-rank Jutsu called the ‹Firefly Bombardment›, which was basically the continuous firing of smaller-tailed-beast-bombs that Gyuki showed. Except Neji could use it in his human form as well, from his palm.

The third quest provided 25-levels and a spicy lightning magic- [Railgun]

At last was the second quest, the one for which Neji had decided to spend time in this world at all.

[Quest: Rise of a God

Details: You are strong enough to become a God, but you lack divinity. The easiest way to gain divinity is to create a cult with devoted followers.

Objective: Gain 5 loyal subjects who would serve you as their God.

Reward: Divinity- [Luck Eater].

Failure (or reject): Lost affection with Lady Luck.]

[Quest— "Rise of a God" —has been completed!]

[You have completed the quest by attaining 5 loyal subjects! Current believers: (1) Temari (2) Hanabi (3) Toga (4) Tenten (5) Tsunade (6) Kurenai (7) Shizune]

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