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Arthur POV:

"I am here," a voice echoed in my mind, instantly bringing me to tears. It was the voice of the being who saved my life when I was just four years old - the one who changed my destiny.

"My children," Sylvia continued, addressing me and the person with half of its dragon heart, whom Agrona had created. "You must have questions about each other's identities. I assume the one with half of my dragon heart is the creation of Agrona. Allow me to explain from the beginning."

She revealed that Agrona was expelled from Epheotus not only because he had discovered the secret of Djinn extinction but also because he had nearly decoded the secret of the dragon heart. A dragon heart was the mana core of an Indrath, giving them the power to stand at the top of the asuras. Agrona's research led to him creating an artificial being capable of wielding the power of a Vritra and an Indrath simultaneously.

"Child, you should not trust Agrona," Sylvia cautioned. "He is nothing but a cold-blooded scientist seeking to dissect the world and reveal its deepest secrets. I know that trust does not come easily, so I will pass on some of my memories that I have sealed inside Arthur's brain."

She bid us goodbye and expressed hope that we would end the reign of the asuras and bring justice to the Djinns.

Moved by emotions, I approached the woman opposite to me. She looked at me, tears streaming down her face. The coldness in her eyes had vanished. I wondered how bad the memories must have been for her to break down like this.

She nodded at me and said, "I have decided to help you."

I was taken aback. "Why the sudden change?"

"I will help you absorb the other half of Sylvia's dragon heart," she said, "in return, you will help me kill Agrona."

I agreed, although I was unsure why she suddenly hated Agrona. I extended my hand to her, and she hesitated for a moment before taking it. As soon as our hands touched, we teleported back to the Castle.

Sylphiette, as she introduced herself, hesitated before taking my hand. As we teleported back to the Castle, I wondered if Agrona had named her after Sylvia.After finding where they were, the two of us went on our way. 

As I made my way through the castle, I noticed an unusual emptiness that made me wonder where everyone had gone. But my question was soon answered as I arrived at my destination: the medical room.

It was clear that something important was happening as everyone, except for the lances, was gathered outside the main room. It didn't take long for me to realize that Kathlyn was giving birth, but something didn't seem right.

"Sylphiette, stay hidden for now and appear once I call for you," I commanded the woman.

As I entered the room, I could hear Kathlyn's screams of pain. Even though I had lived in the castle for a while, I couldn't remember where the medical room was. But it didn't matter, as I already knew where everyone was.

Virion was the first to see me and quickly rushed to hug me. I reassured him that I was fine before asking how things were going. His response was grim.

"The birth is two months premature, and Kathlyn is struggling even though she's a white stage mage. It's unlikely that she'll die, but the baby may still beborn," he explained.

The thought of Jude going through the pain of losing a child made my heart ache. But before we could discuss it any further, we heard the cries of a newborn baby. Relief washed over us as we rushed into the room to see a tired Kathlyn cradling her child in her arms.

Kathlyn gazed into her child's eyes and declared, "His name will be Alexander."

My mother, who had been helping with the childbirth, looked exhausted as she asked, "Are you sure you want to choose a name so quickly?"

Kathlyn nodded, "I just feel like it's the perfect name for this boy. The culmination of the love between Jude and I."

She beamed at her son with pure adoration, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future.

(A/N: I said this last time as well, but I needed to cut this chapter short as I had my parent-teacher conference today. This is going to be end for this arc for now, I'll be coming back to Arthur absorbing the dragon heart after Jude also get's his power up.)

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