Season 6 Episode 12: Like a Virgin

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*I have a backlog of over 10 episodes written. Bonus posts this weekend just because*

The boys pulled out of the driveway and off on a case revolving around disappearing women. Dean had asked the Singers to join them on the road, but neither Bobby nor Robin could be with Sam at the moment. Between the things he did, and them not being able to make a peep about it, they needed time to cool down. Bobby watched as they pulled out of sight. He turned back towards his daughter, "So they saw you use your juice" he nodded.

"I wasn't in control" she shook her head. "Fortunately, they chalked it up to whatever that demon did to me".

"Yeah, about that" He nodded, "Anything you were holding back on when you told them"?

"I wish there was" she nodded, "Painful ritual, no idea what it was, and that mother crap".

"Maybe we should get Cass back" Bobby shrugged.

"Let me just chill for now" she sighed shaking her head, "Before he shows up and reaches inside of me".

Bobby paused for a second, "Tough keepin it together around Sam huh"?

"Yeah" she nodded.

"After what he did to me" Bobby paused, "And you". Robin dropped her head, knowing what Bobby was about to ask. "Tell me he didn't do what I'm thinking". She looked at him and the tears were already in her eyes. "I'll kill him" Bobby said in a low growl, "So help me god".

"Dad" she sighed. She looked down at her hands. There was no more running from this, not anymore.

"Talk to me" Bobby pleaded. "Something has been off with you for a while. I just want you to talk to me. You can tell me anything, there is not a damn thing that you could tell me that would make me love you less". She winced trying to hold back tears. "Robin" he pleaded, "please honey, I can't watch this pain anymore. Not on you".

"It was before we knew Sam's soul was MIA" She started. "There was a time years ago, it seemed like Sam had a little thing for me".

"Sam?" Bobby scoffed, "I mean, I knew about Dean".

"Without his soul, Sam's inhibitions seemed to disappear".

Bobby's face went pale, "I don't like where this is going".

"I can stop" she told him tears now rolling down her face.

"Don't you dare" he said taking her hand.

"He cornered me in the bathroom" she continued. "I brushed it off, because it was Sammy, and he was drunk. But when I said no, he didn't stop". Robin looked at her father, where she expected to see anger, she saw sadness. Utter, painful wrenching sadness. "I got away" she nodded. "I broke his nose and booked it out of there".

"Baby girl" Bobby whimpered.

"It didn't happen dad" she told him.

"No, but it almost did" he nodded, "that's what's haunting you little girl. A trust was broken, a deep trust. Someone you would have trusted with your life tried to do one of the most horrific thi-". Bobby huffed trying to get past his own tears. He looked back at her, "you don't need to downplay this because it didn't happen. Something did happen".

"I'm no one's victim" she snapped.

"You don't know how proud I am to hear you say that" he told her, "but you are allowed moments of weakness baby".

She took the moment to cry into her father's shoulder and he held her tightly. "I'm here sweetie" he shushed her, "it's alright, you get it out. Put it on me. I'm always here for you baby". He paused and thought for a moment, "Sam is no longer welcome at our home" he nodded.

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