Chapter Seventeen

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Aderah sat back at the table, as she had done before Jamie returned. She seemed to have claimed this spot since they arrived.

She had left once Jamie's stomach wound had been closed. Grace had been trapped in her thoughts, even after Aderah had tried to reassure her that he would be fine and that she didn't need to worry.

She had been able to heal him in a matter of minutes. He got lucky; no organs were injured. It would leave a scar, for sure, but at least he'd have another story to tell.

She considered going outside but decided against it. She didn't want to take any chances after what had happened to Jamie. Instead, she stood up and entered the room Tanner had disappeared into after getting the supplies. He stood by a little window with his back to her. Before approaching him, she took a glance around. The room was a tiny kitchen with another table next to some shelves, two chairs, and a small fireplace—not much, but it was more than she used to have. It took her two steps to cross the room and stand next to him.

She had no idea what she wanted there, but she was fascinated by him.

"Thank you. For your help earlier, I mean," she began. "I'm sure Jamie appreciates it as well."

He gave her a sidelong glance but didn't say anything.

"I don't know what happened between you, and I don't want you to tell me, but I'm sure you'll work it out." Even though he didn't face her, she gave him a reassuring smile.

Still, he paid little attention to her.

If he didn't want to talk, that was fine, but she wasn't ready to leave yet. Especially considering he was likely to join them.

"I'm Aderah," she tried, offering her hand.

He merely looked at it for a second before turning away. "Tanner."

Was that all he had to say? She sighed and rolled her eyes. Fine. She was still curious about him, but he didn't seem keen on answering her questions.

Just as she turned around to leave him alone, he sighed. "I apologize. I don't intend to be rude, but witnessing how one of the only friends I've ever had almost died at my front door after I nearly broke his nose threw me off a little."

He was looking at her now. His dark eyes were filled with concern. He was deeply worried about Jamie...

Seeing Tanner like this made her wonder even more about what had happened back then. What exactly had he done? He obviously cared about them, so why would he have left?

She would have liked to ask him about everything but didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

"How did you meet them?" Tanner unexpectedly asked then.

She was glad that he was carrying on the conversation.

"They passed through my village. Grace had been poisoned, and no one else would help." She shrugged it off, not wanting to make a big deal of it.

"You saved Grace's life?" He looked astonished, as though he couldn't believe Grace could have gotten herself into a position where she needed to be saved.

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