the change of heart

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Change of heart:

Distant footsteps can be heard slowly but surely start getting closer as a guy with a machete comes in. Seeing puro and Mark (with the "latex enhancements" as I like to call them)

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM." He shouts before he Aims the gun at puro and the mark. Before he was able to shoot he heard a call from 2 men and a woman. COUGH "some... sort of gas came from the vents earlier.. we almost didn't make it out.. passed out.." the man with gun "WELL SHIT.  No. YOU GUYS YOU STAY HERE, Watch mark and.. This thing for me-" the girl catches her breath and says "yes sir"She grabs her pipe gun (hand made gun) and guards the door. Ace is a little scared but keeps a straight face. Jake is a little afraid too but he is focused as he observes the room

Seeing a syringe with latex fluid inside neat him he tries to think of a plan.

He made a plan as he uses the amount of trash and dirty towels to make a small lump under the carts when the people are too busy watching the two. (Mark is still staring at puro with anger in his eyes)

Jake (after he's done) immediately pushes one of the carts as the people raised their guns at the cart and instinctively shot the towel (they were too tense to check if its a creature or just rubbish, the latter being true)

Jake managed to sneak out of the bed and while the people are distracted

He injected one of the men as he screamed in surprise and the sudden jolt of pain. They looked at their transfurring comrade as puro sees the opportunity.

He tackles the two as he tries his best not to transfur them. Jake looked at the transfurred man as the guy seems to try and fight it, Jake realizes that puro needs help so he managed to take away the man and woman's firearms, he also grabbed their melee weapons that are visible

He placed them all in a cabinet as he gets puro to get off them

"Hm, hey puro.  Wanna make Cerberus?" Jake says as he motion's the two restrained humans to mix in with their transfurred friend

Puro:"I've only read about those.."

Jake:"Well wanna make one?"

Puro:"I guess.. This feels wrong"

Jake:"They did keep us hostage though"

Puro:"Well... Alright then"

Puro and Jake drags the two dizzy humans (puro did a number in em) as they put them in the corner with the transferring human as the latex soon started spreading to them

Jake:"I'm not sure if it can make a Cerberus now that I think about it... Eh, maybe it can. C'mon out guys, its safe for now"____

I didn't write this chapter a friend of mind wrote it for me.  If you no like don't blame me.

Also an import message: this story will be ending soon
"You're gonna end it here?"
No it will take time but I will give it a proper ending  I see you guys need closure on the story. I been busy with life and school and this story wasn't on the top of my to-do list but my friend liked the story so he is helping me continue. Hope you guys like it. Also starting another story check it out. It's a tawog story.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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