Giving a helping hand.

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"Kurt it really is gorgeous, and I'm so happy to help with planning especially since I've got so much free time on my hands."

"Thank you, and I am so excited you're going to help me plan this." Kurt responds with a smile, having finished showing off his ring for the 100th time. "Anyway I should probably start heading off to class, I'll see you around." Kurt then starts walking out of the apartment. You sigh before feeling your stomach grumbling with hunger and decide you could probably use some lunch... You smile before getting ready and going to a very particular spot.

"Hi table for one please." You say to the hostess, looking around at the spotlight dinner.

"Sure, any specific preferences?"

"Uhhh well is there a table in Santana's section available?"

"Yup! I can take you over there, should I let her know about your arrival?"

"No, thanks." You reply with a smile. The hostess then grabs a menu and walks you over to your table. You give her a thank you before sliding into your seat. You spot Santana pouring salt into the shakers as Rachel walks over. 'Good, Rachel can distract and at least then it can be more of a surprise' You think to yourself as you begin to flip through the menu, before deciding on a choice. You look back over to see them watching what you're assuming is Santana's new commercial. It's really awesome for her- Being able to get a gig, and although it's for some yeast medication you're still really proud of her for using opportunities and trying to make it. They embrace in a hug and then Santana starts walking your way. You inhale as you hide behind the menu.

"Hello and welcome to the Spotlight Dinner, my name is Santana I'll be taking care of you. Can I get you anything to drink besides water?"

"You should know me well enough to know the answer to that question." You reply, looking up from your menu to see Santana with a look of confusion and smirk to yourself as you put the menu down. "It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other has it?" Santana's face then morphs into a smile before she pulls you into a hug.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I was getting hungry and I figured I'd surprise you. Unless it's a bad time..."

"No, it's never a bad time for you!"

"Awesome, also I saw you showing Rachel your commercial. It's really cool San." Santana smiles back before looking over at one of the other waitresses before turning back to you.

"So you ready to order?"

"Uhh yeah I think so." You reply before giving Santana your order. She nods and writes it down before putting your order in. While you wait you catch her making little glances at you and the other waitress. After a little bit she comes out with your food.

"Here you go, and enjoy!"

"Would you maybe wanna, sit for a little? If you can? I have something I wanna ask you about."

"Uhhh sure just give me a second." Santana then walks off before returning to your table and sliding into the other seat. "So what's up?"

"Whose that waitress?"

"Which waitress?"

"The one you keep looking over at." Santana inhales a sharp breath.

"No one she- she's no one."

"No she is... You should go ask her out."

"What? But us..."

"We both agreed we're not together, only friends with benefits. If you like her you should talk to her, ask her out. I'm not going to stop you."

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