Chapter 36

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We continued the night dancing and having fun until it was 12 am we walked to the limo and one by one go. Vance and I were the last 2 people since we lived close together. "Who was he" he said looking down at his feet. "Who was who" I said not know who he was referring too. "The person you danced with" looking at the floor. "Oh Tyler HES a junior he's cool" I said smiling. "I don't like Tyler" he said angry "ok why do I need you to like him" I spoke confused. "Don't hang out with him" he said finally looking at me.

"Ok well imma still hang out with him that's like saying don't date Emma because I hate her your still gonna fuck her what's the difference" I said laying back in my chair. "So you wanna fuck Tyler" he said with that angry face "I never said that but maybe" I said thinking it was a joke. "Yeah not gOnNa happen". He said also lying back into his chair. "Vance we are not together you do not tell me who I can and cant fuck god if I wanted to fuck Tyler I could and I don't need your permission to do so" I said using my hands to talk like I always did. "Fine then I'll fuck Emma later" he said trying to make me Cry "you do that already" I said not caring.

It went silent but the silence was loud. "Fuck it can't you see it jade I still fucking like you a shit ton I don't even like Emma I'm rebounding because I still love you and I know I'm fucked for some of the shot I've said but you make things no better" he said meaning every word I just sat there in silence for a solid 2 minutes "say something" he spoke to me. "I don't know" I said looking at my hands.

"Don't know what jay" he said "I
Don't know if you actually like me or if someone
New comes in you'll dump me again and when that don't work out you come crawling back" I said still looking at me hands. "It's not like that" he said while I felt eyes on me. "But you cheated on me with Emma why" I never knew why I just knew he did. "I was a bit high and she called and we met up and it was normal until to leaned in and I just went along but once I saw how much damage I had done I knew I fucked up and I hated knowing I left you that way" he spoke once more.

"Good to know" I said and the door opened for me. Before I got out he said something "listen jay I still like you but if you don't I understand I mean I won't not forgive you after what I did to you but think about it and if we could just be friends like we were before we dated I would live that" he said looking at me. "I'll think about it" I said and got off I mean did I still like vance but I think we need some more time apart to figure things out and maybe we would find each other and date or we find new people and move on in life.

Hey guys I know it's a shorter chapter but I felt like this was a good place to cut off. I will post tomorrow so stay tuned for that and good night or evening wherever you are in this world love y'all so much ❤️♥️

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