Magic School

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    The sight before Katalina was like a fairytale. Her heart fluttered in amazement as she looked upon the enormous building infront of her.

    She could hear soft laughter behind her. She turned her head to see her mother laugh lightly at her reaction. "Katalina... Go in, they must be waiting for your arrival." Her mother spoke with a smile.

    Katalina's eyes widened as she forgot about the prospect of entering. She shuffled her feet hurriedly into the double doors of the largest Magic School around Madina... Madina was a large city filled with amazing people that have learned to use crystals and objects as their magical tools.


    "Good morning class welcome Katalina Vemosa. She is a new student, so let's show her why it's a good idea to stay here." The male teacher spoke. His deep voice made his age seem easier to detect for Katalina.

    He seems to be in his 40's. She thought to herself.

    The class was quiet as they all stared at her. Most of the boys made heart eyes at her while some of the girls sneered watching the males reaction to her.

    Katalina was thankful she was in a normal class. Her old school was actually home. She never been to an actual school before. Only seen them on the small hologram from her wrist watch.

    The Tech Watch .01. A new tech given to only a selective few. The reason is her father was the one to build the machine. She often used it on her free time or to contact her family.

    "Katalina, there is a spot over there you can sit in." The teacher spoke. Katalina looked in the direction the teacher was pointing to see it was by a window and near the back. She didn't mind. Her eyes held amazement as she looked around the people in the room.

    As Katalina sat she felt the eyes of everyone in the room. Then the first question. "Where did you get this from? I've never seen it before... Oh by the way my name is Celene." Katalina looked to this blond girl who sat in front of her, her body was turned to face Katalina as she spoke. Her eyes were a striking blue and her face porcelain. In fact her whole body a pale porcelain. Making her look like a doll.

    "My father made it for me, he was a very good tech. He has taught me a lot before he passed." Katalina said in adoration as she looked at the wrist watch on her wrist.

    "I apologize, I didn't realize." "No you are okay, believe me it's fine." Katalina said to Celene.

    Celene smiled sadly at her and Katalina smiled back. "Names Gavin." A tall male with glasses leaned over from Katalina's right. She smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you Gavin." Katalina said. Most the class quietly awed at her and she didn't mind it.

    "So where do you come from?" Gavin asked as he pushed his glasses up with his finger. He didn't do it in a nerdy way he was actually an attractive boy to Katalina. But Katalina new better then to think things like that.

    "Mirrolon, small country side a few hours from here." Katalina smiled as she was getting more questions.


    After all the questions and just random paperwork in class that she already knew she stayed quiet until the end of class.

    During lunch everyone wanted to sit with her. Her grade stuck together mostly. 12th graders shuffled the outside near trees and a fountain sat in the middle. Benches sat here and there as people chatted.

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