Chapter 7. Heart and Sword for Demacia

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Turns out to get Garen to be a little more open with commoners, you just need someone as manly as he is or something like that. Since I'm a woman, I wouldn't fully understand. Men are weird sometimes. Jesse was really fun to be around but I could tell there was something else with her. She seemed kinda flirtatious. I think me and Garen had the exact same idea when we saw her with Y/N. Guess those two aren't actually a couple. That's really hard to believe though since Y/N is.... VERY handsome. God, now I'm starting to sound like a high schooler. To distract myself, I take some of the bread we got and stuff it into my mouth.

Garen: You shouldn't spoil your lunch Lux.

Lux: I know...

Garen: Please don't talk with your mouth full.

All I could respond with was a groan. After we got the bread which was very good by the way, our duos went their separate ways. Me and Garen were on our way back to the limo while Y/N and Jesse returned to their shop I think. Speaking of Y/N, I swallow my food and look to Garen.

Lux: So what did you think of him?

Garen: Of Y/N? He's a traveler so who knows what he could do. I think if he is looking to settle down, Demacia is the last place I'd recommend.

Lux: Woah, hold up! Are you actually Garen?

Garen: Lux, I will forever fight for my country and home, but even I can see the corruption in it. Sylas is out there planning its downfall and our constant bickering with Noxus is taxing our military. I continue to fight for it because I know that one day, things will be better. Y/N is nothing more than a commoner, people that the Nobles take advantage of regularly. Yet, this bread is proof of their craft.

Like how I mentioned that nobles prefer better looking food over actually good food. He actually gave the bread a long stare which looked kinda silly. I knew Garen was loyal but he's not blinded by his loyalty. This brings me back to the little conversation I heard the two men had. Garen thinks Y/N would be a good soldier and Y/N wants to help Demacia. I may not fully understand why but this could be his best chance to get in.

Lux: If you really think that then why not try and recruit Y/N into your unit?

Garen: I was thinking that. He seems quite strong and we share a single thought.

Lux: Anyone who loves their country would want what's best for it. I think he'd be a great addition to our ranks. He's quite the charmer.

Not realizing what I said at first, Garen gives me the cocked eyebrow.

Garen: And how would you know that?

Trying my best not to blush and play it cool, I just wave my hand.

Lux: Nothing important...

Garen: That also reminds me. How did you even meet him?

Crapbaskets! I can't tell him too much who else he might suspect I was out when I shouldn't have been. Patrol, I can use the patrol excuse. But I can't make it seem like I know him too well, that would contradict Y/N's travel story.

Lux: I uh... met him while I was out on patrol last week.

Garen: On patrol?

Lux: Y-yeah!

He looked suspicious still but he ended up buying it.

Garen: Very odd timing. I don't remember you having patrol last week.

Lux: You're a commanding officer in our military, you have to remember a lot of things. Me going on patrol isn't that much higher on the priority list.

Garen: Fair enough. Though I will try to keep your schedule in mind. With that Magic Caster skulking about, who knows what he might try to pull.

Obviously, recruiting Y/N into our army is risking his plan to see King Jarvan IV since he's said Magic Caster. However, this may be his best chance to see the King. Maybe I'll actually understand what it is he is wanting to do, and who he is for that fact. He mentioned how he couldn't reveal everything cause he didn't completely trust me. Because of that, I can't really trust him either. For all I know, he's some sort of snake trying to take down our country from the inside. My heart doesn't feel that way about him though.

He seems far too genuine.

We finally arrive at the limousine and are driven back to the Crownguard Estate. The bread is still warm so I might have some of staff try it so they know just how bad their choice of bread sucks. It's also cheaper. First thing you gotta do to help your country is to make sure your household is in order. No such thing as a brighter tomorrow if your home is in bad shape. It's no way to start your day when you wake up.


Y/N: That was fun.

Jesse: I know. You still have a way with people I see.

Y/N: That skill is mandatory if you travel. Wouldn't want to be some guy who thinks they can talk to people then fumbles on every word the moment they see a good looking girl.

Jesse chuckles as she opens the front door. I set the bag of fresh bread on the counter to give my arms a little bit of rest. My eyes then hover over some of the leftover trinkets they still had. They had used quite a few of them to pay of their bills. Still, it wouldn't last forever.

Y/N: I'm gonna have to get some sort of job soon. I don't suspect that those trinkets y'all sold were worth a whole lot.

Jesse: We'll be fine for the next couple of months. Unless the King suddenly increases the number, nothing bad can happen.

Y/N: Still best to be prepared. Know of any good paying jobs that doesn't involve the nobles?

Jesse: You could be a bodyguard. I heard that one girl was in town. Popstar Ahri I think?

I remember her. She was all the talk when I first arrived in Piltover. Not really sure what music she does though since I'm not really a music kind of guy.

Y/N: That would be a one off job though. The only way that would be a big payoff is if I did so well, Nobles would start to hire me. At that point, I'd just join the military.

Jesse: And that would be a bad idea since you're a magic caster.

While she is right about it being a bad idea, it may also be my only chance to see Jarvan. If Quinn had even the slightest idea of what I look like, she could figure me out while I'm among the ranks. That would be really awkward and I don't want to rush things either. I shake my head as a response which seemed to shock her.

Jesse: You're not serious are you?

Y/N: It pays well and it moves my plans forward.

Jesse: It's suicide! If you get caught-

Y/N: I won't get caught. Not when I still have yet to reveal all the cards in my deck.

Jesse: Still...

I walk on over and give her a pat on the head. Despite being a lesbian, she couldn't resist a good head pat from a tall handsome single guy.

Y/N: If it's for the betterment of my home then it is worth it. Do you believe in me?

She nods and pulls herself away from my hand.

Jesse: Just... please be careful. Demacia needs you.

Y/N: Demacia doesn't need me. I need Demacia.

Jesse: That didn't even make sense!

I let out a hardy laugh and grabbed the bag of bread again. Gotta put it in it's new and proper home and not out in the open. After that, I'm gonna see about making plans to meet Garen again.

It's crazy but you do crazy things for the things you love. This for me is no different.

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