18. full moon

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Cabin in the woods

Melody and Hayley are currently eating breakfast on the porch, looking out in the woods. The sun shining through the trees, giving it a warm late summer atmosphere.

The Marshall twins persuaded Stefan to try drink a few drops of human blood every day. They are training him not to spiraling out of control. At first he was reculant but after some time he agreed.

He could feel that he is becoming stronger and they were helping him with the urges and distract him from his thoughts of his ex-girlfriend.

The twins are in a comfortable silence when Stefan decides to sit down next to them on the coach.

"Good morning Stefan" the twins greet him in unison.

"Good morning twins" Stefan replies with a genuine smile, enjoying his time outside of Mystic Falls.

They return to a comfortable silence.

"Are you going to turn today?" Stefan asks after some minutes, worried that he may be bitten.

"No, I don't. Melody spelled my necklace so I don't have to turn every full moon but I can control it now so I don't have to. Besides Melody and Klaus are going to turn today" Hayley replies with a bitter tone at the end.

Melody rolls her eyes.

After spending some time with them it feels like they are making one step forward and than three steps back but Melody is determined that her soulmate and twin sister will become friends.

"So I just lock myself in the house to not get bitten and die" Stefan adds.

"Even if you would get bitten my blood can heal you" Klaus says, making an entrance at the porch.

"Your blood?" Stefan asks dumbfounded.

The twins snicker.

"Of course Stefan. Nik is the hybrid, meaning his blood is the only cure for a werewolf bite" Melody explains.

"Gotta love Mother Nature" Klaus adds and looks at Melody with so much adoration that makes Hayley want to vomit. They are like two lovesick puppies, especially him. Klaus following Melody everywhere and practically worshipping the ground she's walking on.

Stefan clearly sensing that Hayley wants to say something that will cause tension decides to step in.

"So what are the plans for today?"

"You can do what you want. We will leave tomorrow and continue our journey to Chicago. It will probably take around 4 hours" Klaus answers.

"Alright than. I'm going to start pack my things and make some phone calls" Hayley indicates to Melody that she will make calls to New Orleans checking up on everything.

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