bonus chapter 2:

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Suna and (M/N) were in the common room of the mansion. Suna was sitting on a pillow that was on the ground, looking down to the head lying in his lap. His long arms wrapping around (M/N)'s stomach, fingers tapping the upper body.

He held a gentle smile. (M/N) lifted his hand up and cupped Suna's face, smiling back. His thumb rubbing over Suna's chin three times.

(M/N) sat up a bit, Suna leaned down more. His back slouching further as their lips were so close to touching.

"Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?"

They both slowly turned their heads. Keeping their contact, (M/N)'s hand still held Suna's face tenderly, Suna's arms tightened their hold.

There Osamu stood with an embarrassment look. "Sorry... I was just wanted to ask if (M/N) was up to teaching me how to cook.... if that's alright?"

Suna glanced at the shorter male, see the male's eyes brighten at that. He removed his hand and sat up, quickly nodding his head.

"Yes!" He cleared his throat, "Er, I mean, yeah no problem."

Suna gave him a loving look. He wasn't upset that (M/N) got out of his lap, he was happy to see the male show excitement.

(M/N) got up, turning and leaning down to give a quick kiss to Suna's lips. He didn't forget to do that. He would surely hear about it later if he left without giving him a kiss.

Suna may be emotionless and keep to himself, but he was rather clingy. Pouty if he didn't get a kiss.

(M/N) then sprung up, quickly going to Osamu, hands on his back and pushing him to the kitchen.

"Onwards, calm twin!"

It was like Osamu wasn't even walking, he was having trouble trying to keep up with the shorter male.

"Jesus, I'm going!" Osamu laughed, "I didn't know you would be this excited."

He felt him stop being pushed. He turned his head and saw the male blushing slightly. "I'm n-not!"

Suna felt a bit of jealousy surfacing. He didn't like the way (M/N)'s face was a bit red. Even if he were embarrassed, he's only aloud to make the male blush.

He didn't get to say anything as they disappeared to the kitchen, the smaller male yanking Osamu with him. Both were smiling. One from excitement of being able to teach someone a basic life skill and one from how happy the male was. Osamu had never seen (M/N) like this, it was only Suna who got to see that.

"Alright!" (M/N) turned to the male, "What do you want to learn to cook first?"

"Well... my favorite food is really good rice."

(M/N) tilted his head, "That's... that's so easy."

"Is that bad thing?!" Osamu raised his voice.

"No... not at all. I don't think I've ever had something easy to do."

"Huh? Why not?"

"I have a lot of expectations. Nothings ever easy for someone like me."

Before Osamu could question any further, (M/N) told him to grab what he needed for rice. When Osamu gave him a dumb expression, (M/N) snorted and covered his mouth when that noise left his mouth. Osamu pointed at him and laughed, causing the shorter male to mimic his accent and yell "Shut yer trap!" and Osamu mimicked his way of talking. "How about no, yeah?"

Suna watched them banter, leaning his shoulder on the wall of the kitchen. And he felt happy that (M/N) was getting along with others.

Once they calmed down, (M/N) described the rice cooker, it took a few tries, but Osamu got it.

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