Baby sitter

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"You're joking, right?" Mashiho asks incredulously as he stares back and forth between his parents.

"Sorry honey," his mother shrugs. "It's not that we don't trust you to stay home alone; we just don't trust you to take care of your younger brother while you're home alone. You tend to get a little too carried away while playing video games and we all know you'll only be playing video games the moment your father and I step foot out the front door."

"But is it really necessary to hire a babysitter? You'll only be gone for a couple of hours for dinner. It's not like you're going on a vacation." he whines rather childishly.

"Don't think of her being your babysitter. She's just here to ensure your brother is properly fed, bathed, and in bed at his usual curfew," Mashiho's father points out. As if on cue, there's a small ding from the front doorbell.

"Oh, look, she's here early!" Mashiho's mother chirps happily. "Why don't you come to greet her with us, Mashiho?"

Mashiho frowns but follows behind his parents nonetheless. He hides behind their figures as they open the door to welcome the new stranger.

"Hi, you must be Y/N," his mother greets as soon as she opens the door.

"Hello Mrs. Takata, Mr. Takata," Mashiho hears a soft voice respond. He can vaguely make out the figure bowing politely towards his parents by glancing at the faint shadow cast onto the wall.

"Thank you so much for coming tonight," Mashiho's dad speaks up.

"Oh, it's really no problem! I love taking care of little kids - they're so cute."

"Well, before I run over the basics," Mashiho's mother hums as she steps aside to reveal Mashiho to the new stranger. "This is Mashiho, our older son."

"Hi, Mashiho," the girl smiles. "I'm Y/N."

Mashiho's taken aback by Y/N's beauty and freezes on the spot. He feels his throat tighten as his words get caught in his mouth and a faint blush quickly paints its way across his cheeks. His eyes widen when Y/N lets out a soft giggle - clearly having caught onto his panicked state.

"H-hi, Y/N," Mashiho manages to splutter out.

. . .

Mashiho's fingers click the keys on his keyboard on their own accord as his mind wanders in a completely different direction. No matter which game he's playing, win or lose, he can't stop thinking about the babysitter taking care of his younger brother for the evening.

The young male itches to find an excuse to go downstairs to catch a glimpse of Y/N. His heart flutters when he hears occasional muffled giggles echo throughout the house and he wishes he had been the cause of those giggles.

Mashiho almost has a heart attack when he hears her voice sounding from the room next to his.

"Get some rest, alright? I'll be downstairs if you need me," Y/N's soft voice speaks.

"Do I have to go to sleep? I had so much fun tonight! Can't I stay up to play just a little longer?" Mashiho hears his brother whine.

"Not tonight, bud. A young boy like you needs to get proper sleep so that he can grow up to be big and strong," she chuckles softly. "If your parents ever need me again, you can continue showing me your toys then, okay?" There's a short silence before the young boy relents with a soft "okay".

Mashiho holds his breath as he listens to Y/N wish his brother a final goodnight before heading back downstairs. Now would be the perfect chance to talk to Y/N, but Mashiho doesn't know what to talk about. Yet, before he can even catch up to his own thoughts, his feet are bringing him out of his room and down the stairs.

"Oh, Mashiho," Y/N smiles brightly as she looks up from her phone, catching his figure lingering by the bottom of the staircase. The male quickly freezes midstep and his eyes widen.

"H-hi," he breathes out as a blush flushes over his cheeks.

"What's up?" Y/N asks while setting down her phone.

"Oh, um. I just got bored playing games," Mashiho shrugs, trying to school his nervous features.

"Here, come sit with me. We can watch TV together if you'd like," Y/N offers with a small smile.

"Okay, I'll watch TV with you," the male responds embarrassingly fast.

"Cool," she sends him another smile that makes his stomach feel like it's doing somersaults.

As the two settle down onto the living room couch, Mashiho tries to keep a safe distance in between himself and Y/N, but it seems as if Y/N has plans of her own. She scoots closer until she's right next to him. If Mashiho were to shift slightly, he's certain their shoulders will brush against each other.

He quickly fumbles for the TV remote to distract himself from his flustered thoughts. When Mashiho finally settles on a movie that seems fairly entertaining, he brings his hands together and begins to play with his fingers. Y/N catches onto his nervous behavior and turns her attention away from the scene playing on the screen.

"You seem nervous," she states slowly, causing Mashiho to look up from his hands.

"Oh, I do?" he asks innocently.

"You do," Y/N hums in response. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Because I think you're pretty," Mashiho mutters under his breath. Unfortunately for him, Y/N caught what he had said and a small smile breaks out onto her face instantly.

"You do?" she giggles softly.

"You heard that?" Mashiho gasps - heart racing out of his chest.

"Don't worry, I think you're cute," Y/N shrugs nonchalantly.


"Let's get to know each other. I have some time to kill before your parents return home," she suggests.

. . .

For the next two hours, the two end up focusing more on each other than the movie playing in front of them. By the time the end credits are rolling across the screen, they're laughing and giggling softly as if they had been friends for years. In fact, by the time Mashiho's parents return home, they find the two cuddled up together on the couch with Mashiho laying his head in Y/N's lap and Y/N combing her hand through his dark brown locks soothingly.


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