Chapter 13. Intimate Note Part Two

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Kangin's POV

" Do you like anyone in Super Junior and M?" Heechul-hyung asks curiously. My eyebrows shoot up. My mouth in a perfect 'o' and Minae's face is as red as an apple. All of the guys are now leaning into the screen and frantically so is mine.

" What?! No! Of course not!! I mean, I love all the members of Suoer Junior and M!!!" Minae stutters out a little too quickly.

" Yah!!! So you do!! Who is it?! Leeteuk-hyung?! Siwon?! Zhou mi?! Kyuhyun?!" Heechuls shouts listing all of the possible choices. Now, all of those certain people's faces are leaning more into the screen. Minae's is going to have to explain a lot with this one...

" Yah!! I don't like any of those people!!" Minae points out.

" So you do like someone in Super Junior and M!!! Just not those people!!!" Heechul also says.

" No!! Well, it's just... Leeteuk-oppa is more like a father to me even though there's a decade of a years difference. He looks after all of you guys including me so he always has a special place in my heart," Minae explains. Leeteauk-hyung's face lights up and he is smiling a not even possible huge and bright smile.

" Siwon and Zhou mi-oppa were the first people to listen to me about my past. They didn't judge me like I thought they would. You can say that they are like my big protective brothers in Super Junior and M. But I could never like a brother that way. Kyuhyun-oppa is my fellow maknae; it'd be weird to like him in that way. But..." Minae explains even further.

" Kyuhyun-oppa has been in the same positions as I was a long time ago. We both have been in accidents before. We both still feel that same horror and terror if another car merely bumps into us. I feel like we both have an understanding or a sort. He is like another big brother, right on the top of the list next to Siwon and Zhou mi-oppa's," Minae says smiling cutely.

Siwon, Zhou mi, and Kyuhyun are smiling almost as wide as Leeteuk-hyung. Kyuhyun was tearing up almost because that Minae and himself understand each other so much. Minae has touched all of our hearts.

" Minae, is there a reason why you won't tell me the name of the person?" Heechul-hyung pleads.

" I'm not stupid. I know that the rest of the guys are listening to this. Also... if there is a slight chance of him finding out and not feeling the same way... I would be crushed. I guess I finally found out the reason they call it a 'crush'," Minae says with a sad smile.

" Why would he not feel the same?"

" You guys are idols. You could have any girl you could want so why would you settle for an ordinary, scarred, boring girl like me. I'm nothing special, just another person on Earth, a nobody, so I see no point dating a person you could be bored with within a day. Honestly, models, other idols, actors, even fans are throwing themselves at you guys. They could offer a lot in life, but what could I do? Besides, it's not like any guy is going to love me. Not with these ugly scars still lingering ," She explains laying down in the tent with her arms behind her head. Her left index finger tracing her scars lightly through her clothes.

Heechul-hyung's face is a perfect mask of disbelief and surprise. And frankly, so is everybody else. Is she being serious? She's beautiful, amazing, and the most unique person there ever lived. She couldn't be normal because how could she survive living with us for so long? Any guy would be lucky to love her as much as she does to this mystery SuJu member. I mean all this in a brotherly way of course.

" Well, obviouisly you need glasses too besides scar cream. If any guy is to like you, you have to stop being such a downer on life," Heechul-hyung states. She playfully smacks his arm.

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