✨📚Story Elements📚✨

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"Jack, let's go already your taking forever." Yuki says

"Oh, calm yourself, besides you said yourself that you didn't want to go with me." Jack said, while staring at her walking out his door.

"Cause I don't want you to go by yourself..." Yuki said.

"Let's just go." Jack said as they walked into the forest.

They learn, ventured into the house while walking in the two friends, see antiques everywhere than they walk towards the living room.

"I would love to have some antiques, but I want to keep everything to stay where they came from in the first place so they don't get damaged." Yuki said looking at all the antiques.

Never the less Jack is walking off to the hallway. Everything looks solo. Either way. Everything was breathtaking. All the moss looks so beautiful with all the antiques especially with the inside look.
" to think this place is years old. It's also breathtaking." Jack said looking around he then came across a spiral stairs.
All of a sudden, he heard a thump upstairs, and stopped his track. Keep that to himself if Yuki did it, but there was no way she could sense there was no way she could have walked past them, unless there was some other stairs then he heard Yuki call out.

" Jack, was that you?" Yuki said, calling out in a more nervous tone.

" no, it wasn't..." Jack started "It came from upstairs."

"Should we go check?" Yuki said, walking out of the labor room and towards him.

"Let's go check." Jack said, walking up the stairs slowly

Yuki walk behind Jack, while holding the back of the sweater to Friend slowly walked up to the spiral stairs. Jack saw a door at the top of the stairs that was close. He reached his left pocket to grab his pocket knife. He grabbed it and opened it up jack, then slowly grab the handle of the door, and begin opening it up.

" Jack, that sounded like a dog.." Yuki whispered, Jack stood quiet, not taking any chances. He open the door while I did open to spot nothing he stayed where he was, and carefully looked around the attic.

"Let's blow it up and check around the place." Jack says looking at Yuki.

"Ok..." Yuki says softly.

The two friends ventured around the place, going their separate ways Jack went off to the right side Jack at first saw nothing but then spotted a couple of boxes off to the side. He went over to check. He saw a couple of old antique stuff. It looks like a couple was living here, and just left it to rot. Back where Yuki was she saw a couple of clothes near the end where a window was She then saw a couple of clothes moving.

" Jack I think there's something we beneath these clothes." Yuki says.

" I'm coming." Jack said.

Jack slowly walked over where Yuki was while he was slowly getting over there Yuki saw the clothes, moving again. She slowly reached down to the clothes.

" Yuki. Don't do it, you don't know what's down there." Jack said.

As Yuki slowly reached down to the clothes. She then heard a little whimper. She got really curious so she threw the clothes to the side of her and look down to see a baby puppy.

"Jack!" Yuki said " It's a puppy"

Yuki looked up to Jack in a more curious, yet confused look she thought to herself why would there be a baby puppy in a attic, but then how did it get there? She looked at Jack.

"This poor thing can't live here. Do you think we can take it home? I mean we can work for the stuff for it to survive." Yuki said, looking at Jack.

Jack couldn't say anything he was shocked why would there be a puppy up in the attic? He then nodded and looked at Yuki.

"Sure we can take him or her"Jack said with a smile.

The two friends wandered off out the house and out the woods slowly made their way home. They were still concerned why there would be a baby puppy in an attic what they didn't know was there was a figure behind them, watching them leave the woods, the figured then smiled... I guess , we will never know where the puppy came from and who the figure is...
When I tell you, I did this word by word with the mic I didn't word right word him in the beginning. I started doing this in class but I finished it later today. I will post it today. It is two pages. It could've been four if I didn't use the back , but I do hope you like this and if you like it really that much and I do get the other paper from my other teacher, I will do this whole thing again so this book will most likely be a whole story book from school I wouldn't say I'm good at making stories but I really like this one.

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