Part 8

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Taehyung Pov
I can't believe he left me. I don't understand why he kept asking about the stupid calls I got. And he left me because of that he betrayed me because of a stupid phone call. I finally found him after 3 years and I'm going to make him tell me why he betrayed me. He doesn't know how hurt I am because he just left. I got changed and freshened up and I got my phone and gun. 

I ate and went to my office and called one of my men Luke to go get Jungkook and bring him here

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I ate and went to my office and called one of my men Luke to go get Jungkook and bring him here. I did work and waited and after a while I heard a knock.
Luke:He's here
Bring him in. Luke left and after a minute Jungkook came in. He looked so beautiful. God I missed him so much.

Kook:Why am I hereAre you not happy to see me after you just upped and left huhKook:More or less Well I wanted to know why you betrayed me Kook; Betrayed you Yes you just left me without saying anything and I couldn't find you for so longKook;Don'...

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Kook:Why am I here
Are you not happy to see me after you just upped and left huh
Kook:More or less
Well I wanted to know why you betrayed me
Kook; Betrayed you
Yes you just left me without saying anything and I couldn't find you for so long
Kook;Don't you think you betrayed me
How I loved you
Kook:Oh really well how come I overheard you talking on the phone talking about shooting me
Kook:You were talking and you were saying how you can't do that since I'm your life but then you sighed and said fine and you got a lot more phone calls about it and you said you would do it in a couple days while I kept asking you about them and all you did was brush me off and saying it was nothing. But you still kept talking about it and you kept brushing me off. And you even started to get annoyed when I kept asking. And while you were all happy and talking about how in a couple days you'd do it I was almost terrified to even be near you because I was scared you would one day you would hurt me. And all you did was get more angry I was asking you did you even think to ask why I was pressing you so much about it. Did you notice how I would freeze in fear when being near you no you didn't even care. All you did was yell at me and you even told me that I would know when you tell me and to shut the fuck up and stop asking. So I left because it's not good to be scared of your partner and be scared that they are going to hurt you. But I betrayed you right I hurt you more than repair right

What you thought I would hurt you

Kook:What are you shocked about it  whatever you clearly didn't care about it 3 years ago I'll be in a bedroom leave me alone
He slammed the door and walked away and I was shocked. He..He thought I would hurt him he was scared of me. Oh no no god I'm so fucking stupid. The call was about a plan that would involve him and I didn't tell him because I didn't want him scared of me. And I thought he was just mad at me I had no idea he was scared of me. God I'm horrible he was terrified of me and all I did was brush him off and make it worse and make him feel like his only option was to leave. Fuck I'm such a fucking idiot. After a while I went to our bedroom and I saw him.
Kook:What do you want
I sat next to him and hugged him.
I'm so sorry I'm such a fucking idiot
Kook:It's fine I guess
No it's not I'm so sorry I never meant to make you scared of me I promise I would never hurt you
Kook: Why didn't you tell me then
Well the calls were about a plan that involved you and I didn't tell you because I didn't want to scare you and I thought you were just mad I never meant for you to be scared of me
Kook;R.. Really
I'm so sorry I hate myself I should of just told you I never ever meant for this to happen
Kook:I..It's ok
I hugged him tightly and he went into my arms.
I love you so much
Kook:I..I love you too I guess I overreacted
No you didn't it was my fault i hurt you. I lightly pushed his chin up.
Will you please give me another chance I promise I'll be better
Kook;Ok one more
How are you forgiving me so easily
Kook;You didn't mean to
God you are the sweetest I promise I'd never ever hurt you and I'll never make you leave me again
Kook:Ok Tae
I missed you so much
Kook:I missed you too
I'll never be like that again I promise
Kook:Ok Tae
I'll make it all up to you I promise
Kook:Ok Tae I know you will
I cupped his face and kissed him deeply and gently. He giggled and kissed back.
Baby boy
When you left I regretted not asking you this and I wished I could of before you left so will you marry me. His eyes widened and he stared at me not saying anything.
B.. Baby what
Kook:Y..You want me to marry you
Yes I do
Kook:Of course I will
Really thank you so much Baby Boy I promise I'll be better than before
Kook:I know you will
He hugged me tightly and started crying.
W..What's wrong are you sad do you not
Kook:No no I'm happy that we're getting married
Oh I'm so happy too Baby. I wiped his tears and kissed him.
I'm so sorry I hurt you
Kook:It's ok you didn't mean to
You are so precious I'm so happy I have you in my arms again
Kook:Me too
I'm so sorry I promise I would never hurt you no matter what
Kook:It's ok Tae stop apologizing
I'm just sorry for everything I hate myself for not realizing it all those years ago
Kook:It's ok it's kinda my fault too
Kook:I should of just told you what I heard and stuff
I guess your right but I was mean to you I shouldn't of just ignored you and not even asked
Kook:We were both a little dumb
Yeah I love you so much
Kook:I love you too
I'm sorry I don't have a ring
Kook:It's fine I don't need one Tae
Well I'll take you out to pick one you like
Kook:Ok Tae
What do you want to do
Kook: Cuddles and kisses
Ok Baby Boy come here. I pulled him close to me and he laid into my chest.
I'm sorry I had to kidnap you and that I thought you hurt me
Kook:It's ok we both got hurt but it will be better now
It will I promise
Kook:Can you sing to me
Of course Baby Boy
I lightly rubbed his back and sang and he fell asleep in my arms.

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