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3rd Person POV


"Again love" mew asked rubbing his eyes as he opened his front door, it was currently 2 in the morning and here gulf was again at mews door coming to sleep at mews house instead of his own

Being at his now finished home was weird, the space was too big Mew would try and stay over at gulfs home whenever he could but sometimes he would have to stay at his ow home as it was closer to school especially on test days Mew brought coffee and breakfast for all his students testing so he needed to leave earlier than normal

"Sorry baby I couldn't sleep, I finished all my work as well" gulf spoke softly as he walked inside of mews house he knew he was a bother even when mew would tell him he wasn't but he couldn't sleep without mew anymore the one times he did was the worst days of his life

"Your okay I'll go make your tea first then we'll sleep" mew placed a soft gentle kiss on gulfs temple before making his way towards the kitchen area while gulf went towards mews bed taking his shoes off setting them beside mews before going to sit at the table waiting for mew to be finished

Mew finished gulfs tea and brought it to the table setting it in front of gulf he tried to suppress a yawn but failed turning his head placing his hand over his mouth, Gulf looked at mew smiling a bit

"Your adorable you know that" gulf asked before sipping his tea after blowing it making mew blush a smile on his face now, he had gotten used to gulfs compliments now and unlike the beginning of there relationship when he would look away he now just smiles in response

Although he doesn't look down though he could never get rid of the blush that always appeared when gulf did something nice or said something which made his heart warm up hotter than fire

"Thank you, is it too hot" he asked sitting beside gulf who shook his head in response dragging mews chair closer to his own making mew yelp surprised

"It's just right if you want you can sleep no need to stay up with me I just wanna finish at least half of this" gulf said holding mews hands, mew only gave a small smile before intertwining there hands together

"It's fine we'll sleep right after I fell asleep early anyways" mew said and gulf just gave a simple nod finishing his tea both sitting in a comfortable silence mew leaning on gulf who was thinking about the new student which was coming tomorrow

"Done" gulf said a few minutes later he hadn't realized it but he finished the whole cup of tea drowned in his thought, he looked down at mew who was suddenly asleep while holding gulfs arm close to his face

Gulf smiled and moved some hair away from mews face before kissing his forehead "if you were sleepy you should have went to bed like I said" he whispered before tapping mews arm mew hummed and opened his eyes looking down at gulfs cup then at gulf

"Finished.... Let's sleep now" he said and gulf nodded both went towards the bed laying down gulf melted in mews arms and the tired man hugged him allowing gulf to lay his head on his chest and he didn't realize how tired he was until he opened his eyes and dint open them again falling asleep instantly


"Why didn't you wake me" gulf pouted as he watched mew fix his suit jacket wiping the sleeves as he looked at gulf

"It's only 5 in the morning baby you sleep more I have to leave and get breakfast for the kids" mew said as he put his shoes in while looking at the clock

"I'll go with you" gulf tried to stand pulling the cover up but just as he wanted to move his legs mew stopped him

"No you sleep more I know you've been tried lately i don't need lots of help na" mew kissed gulfs cheek and gulf rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up wanting to deny mews claims of him being tired when he really was tired, dead tired

"Don't do that you'll see me later Hm be good for me" mew said and gulf sighed but nodded his head, Mew smiled and finished getting ready gulf laid down watching mew finish getting ready for work

By the time Mew finished he could see gulf blinking trying to stay up making him smile, walking towards gulf after setting his coffee cup down, he pulled the cover over gulfs shoulders and leaned down placing a kiss on gulfs lips another one of his nose and one last one on his forehead

"Sleep well... call me before you leave I have one of your suits always ready for you" mew said and gulf hummed tiredly drifting off to sleep, mew grabbed everything he needed and made sure to leave gulf a note about his clothing and the pot of tea he put on before leaving for work


I know it's been a while since I've updated my wattpad doesn't work but I fingered out how to update on the website I've been struggling so bad 😂😂 I have nothing to do without wattpad im glad I decided to figure the website out though because I had some ideas for stories I had to write down but I forgot a few of them 😔🚍🏃🏽

Anyways school been kicking my butt how y'all been doing 🙂

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