20 - Euphoria

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"Okay, okay, hear this. Where do fruits go on vacation?" I shift enthusiastically in my seat while watching Jungkook with eager eyes, "Pear-is!"

Without waiting for his reaction, I close my eyes and start laughing loudly, but once I open them, I notice the embarrassed look he gives me. We stare at each other, staying in a thick silence from which you could hear the crickets chirping.

"Yeah... so... should we put on some music, maybe?" he reaches his right hand to the radio, but I slap him.

"No, come on, it was funny."

"Totally, yeah. I tried to contain my laugh, and it worked."

Ha. Ha.

And I thought Jimin was bad at this. Jokes on me.

Taking in a deep breath, I decide to give Jungkook another chance.

"Okay. You'll like this one. How did Harry Potter get down the hill?" the nervousness is building up in my stomach, "Walking. JK! Rowling."

I can't. I am a funny genius. He closes his eyes and lets out a deep sigh.

"I have an idea. I will slow down the car ... so feel free to jump whenever you want, okay?"

"Oh my God, you're horrible. That was hilarious. You just did not get it." I cover my forehead with a hand in frustration.

"I got it. JK - joking, JK- Jungkook, JK Rowling, ha ha ha."

I cross my arms over my chest and look through the window, thinking that jumping off the car may not be such a bad idea after all. Seeing me like this, he starts laughing and caresses my thigh to comfort me.

At least he finds that funny.

He's been driving for over an hour, not telling me where we're heading. But he was generous enough to let me know what kind of clothes I should take with me. I learned his behavior; the more questions I ask, the fewer answers he gives me. So this time, I took the luxury not to bother asking.

With a relaxed posture, he holds one hand on the steering wheel, whereas the other is tightly gripping my leg. It seems like he's doing it unwillingly, occasionally squeezing it lightly, with repeated motions, slowing moving to my inner thigh.

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