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Later that evening

Jimins pov

I stand in a field with jungkook stood next to me as we gaze out at all the flowers in the field. I smile "you're amazing jungkook.. But I do have a question" she nods "go ahead"
I look at her "don't all the fat comments get to you?"

She giggles "sometimes yeah.. But then I realise that this is my body and I should love it how it is. Your body belongs to you and you just gotta love it! Everyone has flaws and I know that I'm flawless" I laugh a little "what's my flaw?"

She looks me up and down and shrugs "not sure yet" I gasp "yet?... Ouch" we both laugh and she then leans her head on my shoulder "not many boys usually dance with me... So why did you?" I smile "to be honest?... I'm not sure, something about you drew me in, and before you say, no it was not your body"

She giggles "well I'm glad it did. I think we're gonna be good friends" I tilt my head "even though I'm famous?.. You wanna be friends with me?" she rolls her eyes "it should be the other way around, me asking you if you wanna be my friend because I'm fat. Now hush you've officially become my best friend"

We both laugh and she then turns to me and smiles "I should probably go home.." I hold my hand out "well m'lady may I walk you home?" she laughs and nods and then takes my hand "sure" I smile and we both then begin to walk to her house while holding hands

Fuuuck I've hit the jackpot!!! Omg she's so pretty and kind!!!...
Maybe one day we'll be more then friends!!

?????? Pov

Who the fuck is that pig?! And why is she taking jimin from me?!?..
That fat bitch is gonna die before she can even touch his abs!!

Nobody takes my jimin from me!!!

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