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Ship: brance

Vance's POV:

Bruce, was different he wasn't that scared of me also he was always.. So happy I liked that.

"Hey, Bruce am I scary?"

"Yeah, sometimes."

"How, do- I be more like you?"

"Why would, you wanna be like me?!"

"Your life's, great Girls love you nobody's scared of you man I wish I could be like you."

Bruce laughed, and then smiled shaking his head.

"My life's not, all sunshine and rainbows."

"Nah, you got it easy.. Everybody's scared of me."

"Don't worry vancie poo! You'll life, will get better maybe."

"Don't fucking call, me vanice poo.."

I blushed looking away.

"Then, what should I call you babe? Sweetheart, cutie pie?"

"NONE of the fucking above."

"Awe, okay."

Bruce put his head on my shoulder.

"God, this is so gay.."

I covered my face.

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