64. Remember Who's The Villain

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This was starting to drag out.

Hisashi's breath underneath the cat mask slightly burned his eyes. In front of him, the villain was racing towards Yaoyorozu and Hanabi who were the last people around the area with the exception of the old man Hanabi had in her back. Their evacuation efforts have succeeded in the goal to save everyone.

What started as an attempt to finish things quickly ended up getting more troublesome every second he was here. Hisashi had to think about the current events.

Dagger, the villain in question, was much more durable than Hisashi thought. When he had first swapped places with that little girl to get closer to the villain, he aimed to knockout Dagger immediately with a strong punch. Since he hadn't thought it necessary, Hisashi did hold back a few quirks thinking that was that. It appeared so. After all, the villain ended up crashing into a Food truck motionless.

It was looking good from there, but he knew the risk he took being seen by Bolt and Hanabi. Flicker; the quirk of Lady Valentine. Hisashi hasn't used it or trained it, neglecting that fact for some time. He hasn't been using it too much at all.

Bolt and Hanabi appeared to be relatively young to be heroes so he assumed they were new to the job. But just because they're new, doesn't mean that they weren't informed. Lady Valentine's body has been found and documented (following his battle with her). The information about her death and quirk could've been sent around.

To what extent? Hisashi was unsure. In his expeditions in the Underworld, spreading the alias 'All For One' has gotten him places on uncovering the head members that rule over it. Nejire's own investigation has proved their efforts to be fruitful, seeing that his name was known.

That in mind, Hisashi did wish he could access the information the heroes had just as easily. If he had opened up this fight with an Air Cannon, then his identity as a student would be found out.

If he used any of his other quirks that manifested physically such as Spearlike Bones, then there was a chance that Hanabi and Bolt might've called him out as All For One.

That of course depended on how much information was shared among heroes. They are more secure than he realized and he knew that for a long time, but their security always surprised him. If they have bits of information about All For One and have sent out warning to all heroes about the rumors of a multi-quirk individual, then all that hiding was pointless.

Hisashi did not want to risk any more than he had to by using multiple quirks or staying longer than he had to but the problems were adding up.

He had decided to use this time to train Flicker while it was the only quirk he had not used openly. Any villains will not recognize him immediately, but any villain and heroes who recognize the way the quirk worked might just realize that it was Lady Valentine's. But in this situation, Hisashi thought it best, especially when he's going to have to limit himself to one ideal ability.

Sigh. That's all Hisashi could do in his head. Just sigh.

Another obstacle and perhaps the most important at this point in time, was the sudden boost in strength in Dagger. Bolt mentioned that Dagger had only thr ability to manipulate knives and blades but now the villain can control the metal scraps from debri and cars; those sharp corners can really pierce through anything. Dagger had used some kind of drug he's never seen before. He could not state whether or not Dagger had more stashed away somewhere in his body and because of that small chance, Hisashi had even more motivation to finish him.

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