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"TOMORROW I EXPECT YOU TO HAVE YOUR ASS AT WORK AT 6AM." Derek yelled to one of his guys who have been late to work the last 2 mornings. He was starting to become very impatient with the idiots that worked for him in his shop. It had been a few days since seeing Meredith due to the flight schedules. He knew she was going to be in today during normal working hours which was stressing him out that much more. He didn't realize how much he missed seeing her, but right now, he couldn't focus on that. They were busy trying to get everything ready to go on the transport later today, taking everything they needed to San Diego to meet the carrier.

"That is 30 minutes earlier than I have to be here." The 19 year old kid responded.

"AND YOU WILL BE HERE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Derek heard the door to the shop open but didn't even stop to look back as his eyes were burned into his lazy ass crew member.

"Fine." The worker replied in a very smart ass manner, rolling his eyes.

"Your ass is mine. Be here. For now, get your ass busy packing up stuff with the others. Do not even think about a break today until I say so, not so much as the bathroom even without coming to check with me. Do you understand?" Derek was making it clear there was a new boss in town. They were getting used to him; he took no shit off of the guys.

"Yes, AT1." The young sailor responded immediately leaving.

"Well, son, it is nice to see you are taking care of business." Derek heard from behind him.

"Dad?" Derek turned around shocked to hear his dad. He was happy to see him; it had been a few months. He was asked to wait and take his 30 days transfer leave at another time since they were gearing up for deployment and Derek was ok with that, anxious to get to Whidbey anyway.

"I was passing through and thought I would stop to see what you were doing. I didn't call because I wasn't sure we would be stopping here, but here I am." William smiled at his son knowing he was doing a good job here.

"I am glad you are here. We are so busy right now though with getting ready for our detachment in a few days. The transport is leaving today, busy times." Derek sighed thinking about the next few times.

"I won't interfere. I have had my fair share. I hope you and Mark can at least spare some time for dinner and a drink or two with your old man?"

"Of course we can. You can even sleep at the house if you want. We don't have an extra bed, but you could have mind and I can sleep on the couch or something." Derek offered.

William laughed, "I am well beyond those days, son. They have reserved a room for me at a hotel, so no need for that. I will be leaving tomorrow."

"Have you seen Mark yet? We should go to his shop, hopefully he will not be in a compromising position." Derek chuckled to himself.

William raised an eyebrow, "Since when is he not?"

"Good point dad." Derek patted his dad on the back and saw George standing rather close, "Airman O'Malley, I will be back in a few minutes. We will be in the AE shop."

"Oh, yes." George realized exactly who Derek was talking to, "Are you . . . you are MCPON Shepherd. Wow, it is a pleasure sir. I never realized this was your dad, I see it now, but wow." George shook his hand.

William laughed, but was impressed to hear Derek didn't use his name for clout, but that was his son-he always wanted to get to the top on his own merit, "Thank you, O'Malley was it?"

George nodded as Derek signaled they needed to go, "It was nice to meet you." George said.

"You too. I will see you around." William said as he followed Derek out of the shop.

The second they walked out Derek immediately froze.

William almost ran into his son, unsure why he had stopped so abruptly looking in the direction Derek was . . . only seeing one person in sight.

"MCPON Shepherd? You are in town?" Meredith questioned trying to keep her eyes off of Derek as she walked up to the father/son duo.

"Well, Ms. Grey. It is great seeing you. How is one of the newest Lieutenant Commander's doing? I hope you are keeping my son in line here." William joked while shaking her hand.

"I am the boss and have my eye especially on AT1. He needs someone to keep him in check you know." Meredith tried to keep her eyes on William knowing that once they went to Derek, her eyes would soften. She hadn't seen him the last few days and was really missing him. The flights were mostly at night the last few days to do some nigh exercises.

William watched his son curiously. "Have you been giving Ms. Grey trouble here?" He asked Derek.

"I would never do such thing. I do my job and I am the best at it. She has nothing to worry about in the AT shop." Derek smugly said, watching her shift uncomfortably.

William decided to sit back and watch this interaction as Meredith glared over to his son fixating her eyes on his, "And I am your department head which means you will answer to me at all time."

"Well, if it isn't the MCPON gracing us with his presence." They heard Bailey walking up to them.

Meredith and Derek continued to wage a war with their eyes as Bailey walked up to William, "Miranda, it is great to see you."

"You too. I hope life in Washington is treating you well." Miranda said with a smile.

"Oh yes, I am glad to be out here though before the boys leave for det in a few days although it looks like they are in good hands." William said proudly, but noticing the intense stare of his son and the woman who he had grown to know and immensely enjoy during her first tour in the navy as a hot shot pilot.

"Very good hands." Meredith said under her breath so that only Derek could hear; however, William picked up on the gesture as well.

"Come by before you leave. I am sure you are going to spend some time with your son and isn't AE1 Sloan like an adoptive son?" Miranda asked curiously.

William chuckled, "Yeah, he is a son to me for sure."

"I am sure they kept you and your lovely wife busy." Miranda laughed.

"You have no idea, but we loved every minute of it, with all of our kids." William replied.

"I am sure you did. Stop by before leaving." Miranda said smiling.

"Will do." William smiled.

"Ms. Grey . . . AT1" Miranda acknowledged Meredith and Derek without saying too much before going on about her business. She was not sure how she felt about Meredith yet. She was a very good pilot and very good at her job, but there was something about her that Miranda wasn't sure about.

"Well, I have some business I should attend to since it appears you are going to not be available." Meredith said to Derek.

"He can be if you need him." William offered not wanting to cause any problems.

"Oh no, I am the boss. I can go with you for some time." Derek spoke up forcefully looking at his dad for a second before focusing back on Meredith, waiting on her response.

William looked at his son a little taken off guard by this behavior to someone superior but decided not to say anything in front of Meredith.

Meredith was stunned that Derek said that to her in front of his dad knowing he was testing her limits, "Well, AT1 Shepherd, I will be catching up with you later. You definitely need a counseling write up after that comment." Meredith smirked knowing exactly what he needed to be counseled on.

"Bring it on . . . I can take the heat." Derek challenged her.

"I bet you can." Meredith continued to be focused on Derek only; almost forgetting William was standing beside him until he spoke up.

"Well, Ms. Grey, we should get going so that Derek can get back to work. I am going to take him and Sloan to lunch. As always, it was a pleasure seeing you." William said smiling cautiously. He didn't know what was going on, but there was definitely something. He could almost feel it . . . the forces at work, but he really hoped he was wrong . . . about the forces he was feeling between the dynamic two.

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