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Derek pulled up to the hospital and took a deep breath at the same moment he turned his car off. Everything was worked out for now. He had dropped the 2 off at the crash site along with the others and he headed straight to the hospital as his dad had instructed. There were no questions asked which Derek was happy about. His father said Pete, the CO of the command took things much better than expected. William just hoped no one questioned any of this too much. He knew he was sticking his neck out on the line but he would do just about anything for his family. He was retiring in two months so he figured this would be his last line of duty to see through. He knew there was really no harm to be done. He had served his time and was ready to retire, spend time with his family. He knew the potential risks, but he wanted to see his family happy. He also realized very early on that Derek had a career and a future in the military. He had to help him do this because he knew his son; Derek was so much like him. William knew if it was his career or the love of his life, love wins. It always would.

Derek got out of his car, trying to keep his breathing steady and calm. It took all of his power not to run in the hospital straight to her. He had found out her room number from Alex just 20 minutes ago, as they were getting her settled in to the room. He had to remember there were people watching. Military personnel could barge in at any time. He knew the CO, Pete and some of the other officers would eventually be coming.

Derek found his way to her room very easily; not that it was that difficult in a smaller hospital. He stopped right outside of her door to get a hold of himself. He loved her. This much he knew without any doubt. The rest, he had to take on faith.

He immediately jumped when he heard the door fly open as he was ready to enter. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was out here." The nurse grinned sheepishly looking up at Derek as her cheeks reddened a bit.

Derek didn't even notice the nurse, but tried to look inside the room, "Yes. I am here to see Ms. Grey." Derek spoke in a cautious tone remembering that all of his actions could be watched.

The nurse frowned a bit at the news of him seeing the woman in the room and not even glancing in her direction, "She is right in there. We just gave her something, so she is going to be out of it for a while."

Derek couldn't help but be disappointed that she was going to be asleep for a bit, but his father had gotten him at least a few leave days.

"Shepherd." Alex came to the door limping a bit. He looked at the nurse and shook his head when he saw how she was looking at Derek. He wasn't even looking at her.


Derek's heart stopped hearing the sweetest voice he has ever heard mutter his name. He didn't even stop to really take notice of how terrible Alex looked, but there was only one focus for him now.

The second he walked into the room and walked far enough in to see her, his eyes focused on her and only her. She couldn't see him as she was lying flat on her back, but she knew he was there. All of the emotion came pouring out with just one look at her, a look that neither he would ever forget.

"Meredith." Derek whispered, taking a few more steps toward the side of her bed, never taking his eyes off of her. His brain was going a million different directions. She was alive, she was hurt, she had machines hooked up to her, and she was the love of his life.

Alex hated to interrupt this moment when he walked back in, but he needed them to know they had a few minutes. "Shepherd, I will be right outside of the door."

Derek didn't take his eyes off of Meredith as he moved to stand beside the bed; he knew by the tone in Alex's voice exactly what he meant. "Thank you." Derek said as Meredith and Derek's eyes were finally able to meet. The electricity in the room heightened.

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