Race and Medda (Mother-Son): Accidents *Trans!Race*

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Race stared at the pregnancy test in his hand, barely seeing the lines with his hand violently shaking. He threw the test in his bag, waiting to show his boyfriend, Issaac, tomorrow. He stood up from the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks and a splotchy, red face. He ran to his bedroom, sobbing into his pillow and hugging his pillow close.

He swore that he had told Issaac to use protection and he swore he had. Somehow, though, Race was pregnant and there was no way he could tell anyone. The whole house grew even more silent, leaving Race to cry himself to sleep without anyone else being awake.

The next day, his discussion with Issaac didn't go as great as he hoped. When he got home, Race ran straight to his momma's office.

"Momma? Can I talk to you?" he asks, his voice shaking. He didn't want to tell Medda about his pregnancy, but he knew he had to.

"Of course, come on in, Antonio," Medda looks up from her laptop. "Are you alright, Love?"

He starts to nod but shakes his head at the last minute. "Do you promise not to be mad at me when I tell you what's going on?"

Medda nods. "Come sit down, Tony. I wouldn't be mad at you for talking to me. Why do you ask that, Baby?"

Race starts to cry again, biting his lip. "So do you remember Issaac?" he continues his story when Medda nods. "We started having sex a few months ago. And he swore to me that he was using protection, but he had this weird obsession with blindfolding me. And I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. He knew about me and how I am not on testosterone yet. We had discussed all of the outcomes of sex and he said that he would do everything in his power to make sure that the worst didn't come. And I guess what I am trying to say is that Momma, I'm pregnant."

Medda takes his hand, letting out a held breath. "Thank you for coming to me. I would never be upset with you over something you can't control. You and I talked about this being an outcome of you not being ready to take testosterone yet." she hugs him and kisses his forehead. "Have you talked to Issaac?"

"Yeah," Race felt like he needed to cry, but he had no tears left. "And he left me. He said he wasn't ready for parenthood but it's his fault, Momma! He was the one who was in full control of using protection and I don't know why he felt the need to stop using protection. I don't know why he doesn't want to take care of the life that he helped create."

Medda takes her son's hand. "Some people don't want to take accountability for their accidents. It isn't your fault that he doesn't want to take care of a beautiful baby with you. And I will stand by your side whether you have the baby or not. And even if you want to have a baby, I know a few people who would adopt from you."

Race nods, yawning. All of his tears had left him drained. He nods. "I think I want to keep it. I want to be able to hold my own baby and have a family, even if it is small. I do know that my kid has the best aunts and uncles as well as the best Grandma on the planet." he stands up, hugging his mom. "What are we going to do about my hormones? And my surgery?"

Medda leads her son upstairs to bed. "We can talk about that tomorrow. You have had a rough day and you need some sleep." she brings Race to his bedroom, tucking the boy in like she did when he was small. "Thank you for being honest with me, Baby."

Race, who wasn't fully listening, hums, wrapping his arms around his mom. "I love you, Momma. Thank you for your support. Through everything."

Medda turns off his light, kissing his forehead and walking out of the room, smiling at the pride she felt for Race, knowing that he was about to embark on a whirlwind of a journey with nothing but the best support system in place.

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