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Caitlin was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. This whole event was so boring. All the men were coming up and introducing themselves to her. She was trying to be polite and smiled and shook hands with them all. She had been introduced to everyone here, and had just smiled. She had found the food boring and not to her taste. How she yearned for some normal food. What she wouldn't do for some pizza and chips?

She heard some music start playing, and watched as everyone got up to dance. She quickly grabbed a mask, and put it on, as someone offered their hand to her. She approached the dance floor and quickly joined in the waltz that everyone was doing. Her date looked surprised 

"What? You think that I don't know how to do it?"

"I just thought"

"You thought what everyone else did"

Caitlin excused herself and went and sat down. She took off her mask, and threw it away, angrily 

"Woah, woah, woah. What has the mask ever done to you?"

Caitlin sighed. Of course it had to be him

"What do you want Barry?"

"Cheer up. What's wrong with you? Why the long face?"

"Everything is wrong Barry. Look around you. This is all so fake. These people are so phoney, and two faced. They are all waiting for me to trip up and make a mistake, so they can all gossip about me, and shun me. Like I want their phoney friendships"

"Well your a princess now. This is your world"

"No, it's not Barry. Do you honestly think that I would accept this phoney life as my life? I thought you knew me better then this. My life and world is my little shop, normal food, a normal life. I might be royalty, but I don't want this"

"Do you still want me?"

"Barry, look around you", said Caitlin, as if Barry hadn't spoken, "these people all live in a fake world. They know nothing of the real world. I don't even think that they could live in the real world for a second. To them, their world is their castle and the space in between those four walls. But not for me. I want more out of this life. I know what it takes and I will do it"

Caitlin angrily got up, and exited the building. Caitlin told her driver that he was free to go for the night, and she would drive herself home

"I can't do that. I have to drive you your majesty"

"It's my order frank. Your free to go"

Caitlin drove to her old house and let herself in. She sat on her chair, and she just let the memories overcome her. She was glad of what her dad had done. He had taught her how to survive and live in this world. She picked up a picture of them three

"I hope your happy together. Me? I just want to thank you for everything that you two did. But especially you dad, for taking me away from that phoney life, and bringing me here. Those people are so fake. I now know why you did what you did"

Caitlin ordered herself some food, and changed into some of her normal clothes. She wanted to stay here, but she had promised one of her servants a chat. She grabbed her food, and drove back to the palace. She went up into her room and ate her food there, in peace

"Come in", she said as there was a knock on her door

"My grace, are you free?"

"Absolutely. Come on in. Now can you tell me some stories about my dad"

"Your dad was an absolute gentleman. He would always help me if I needed anything. Actually, he was the sort of person who would help anyone. He was funny, kind. You wouldn't think that by his behaviour with us staff, that he was royalty. He fitted right in with us normal people"

Caitlin observed the servant, as she continued talking about her dad

"Oh my god. You were in love with him"

"What? No, your highness. He was just a good friend"

"That would be fine, but your face gives you away. Your face lights up when you talk about him. Your eyes light up, and I can see the love you had for him, when you talk about him. Your eyes say everything"

"Please don't tell anyone"

"Did he know?"

"Yes he did. I told him once, but he was really committed to your mother, so it didn't go anywhere. But at least I still got to see him everyday, and we remained friends"

"Can I tell you something?"


"Please tell him. If you love him, please tell him. Life is too short and you never know what will happen tomorrow"

Duff, duff, duff. As always, feedback appreciated    

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