~Flight Attendant

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woah two updates in one day?

"Hey come here, you little one." Nick laughs as his son runs up to him. 

"Hiya daddy." 

"Hey there, brad. How was uncle Mav?" 

"He flipped me wopside down." 

"Mav. What did i tell you about taking my kid in the air?" 

"To be fair, it was his idea." Pete laughs, as he catches up to them. 

"One day, you are gonna be the death of me." 

"No no daddy, you won't die. You will live forever and ever." Little Bradley laughs as he plays with his plane his Pilot Dad got him. 

"Did you talk to carol?" Pete asks Nick as they walk behind Bradley back to their house. "Yeah, she is excited for us to go to Top Gun. And she is gonna come visit lots with the little rascal." 

"You know, I think this is gonna be good for us. We get the chance to be the best of the best and when we graduate we will smoke everyone else." Pete throws his arm around his best friends shoulder. "Great balls of fire!" The two pilots shout.

"Yeah Life is gonna be good. We are gonna grow old and watch that ball of energy grow up to be a pilot." 

"Maybe even better than us." 

"Hey, goose, you big stud! Get in this house." Carol yells as bradley goes up the stairs. 

"Show me the way home honey!" 


"Pull the ejection handles the second i tell you, honey."

"Rooster wait!" 

"Skywalker, there's no other way." Bradley takes a deep breath in before saying "Eject, eject, eject!" 

"Oakley, pull the handle. Eject!" 

"It's not working!" Oakley huffs as she tugs on the handles trying to get it to work. 


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry dad." Bradley whispers to himself. Oakley continues to pull the handles, trying to get out. Bradley closes his eyes as he waits for the alarm to stop. 

But instead of the explosion ringing in his ears, he can hear it outside the aircraft. 

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking." 

"Is that Jake?" 

"Please fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing." Oakley smiles as Hangman flies up next to them. 

"Hey, Hangman. You look good." Rooster smiles. 

"I am good, Rooster. I'm very good."

"Anybody ever tell you that you'd look better as a flight attendant?" Oakley laughs. 

"Wow you are so funny, Oak tree. I'll see you guys back on deck." 

"Oakley, shall we go home?" Bradley asks. 

"Please." He laughs as he comes up to the boat. 

"Rooster is downwind. No front landing gear. No tail hook. Pull the cable and raise the barricade." The jet rocks to the side suddenly. "Please don't tell me we lost a-an engine?" 

"You can't ask me to lie, Oak." Bradley chuckles. He comes around the tower, pulling mavericks signature move to buzz the tower. Angling the jet down he comes into the deck and the barricade slows the descent. 

"Are you good?" Bradley asks as the canopy opens. 

"Oakley?" He asks again turning around to see her, once again, passed out but this time she's white as a sheet and he can't see her breathing. 

Everyone starts running over and cheering but Bradley just looks around for a friendly face. 

"Phe!" Bradley shouts, calling Natasha over. 

"Welcome back. You guys scared us." 

"Well we aren't out of this yet, we need to take her now to the hospital." Bradley pants, pulling Oakley out of the jet. 

"Oh no. Clear the Way. Get me a medic! Out of the way." Natasha starts yelling and moving people so bradley can take care of his girl. 


Oakley was rushed into surgery to stop the bleeding and save what they can of her leg. Bradley, not wanting to change out of his tattered suit, sat in the food hall, waiting. 

"Anything?" Jake asks as him, natasha, Bob, Maverick and the rest of the pilots come in and sit by him. 

"No, nothing. It's been radio slient." Bradley looks at his hands, trying to wipe away the blood. Her blood.

"You chalked yourself another kill." Bob tries to change the subject. "That makes two." Jake nods. "Bradley has five. Makes him an ace." Natasha smiles. 

"Bradley. Are you okay?" Maverick asks. 

"Lieutenant Bradshaw?" The doctor comes into the room. 

"Ah, yes sir?" Bradley jumps up. 

"The surgery went well. We sowed her leg up and patched her wounds. We won't know when she will wake up becuase of the injuries to her head, but she is in the recovery room, if you would like to be with her." 

"yes I would like that." 

Righteous - Bradley BradshawWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt