Basket 28

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Third POV

The day had finally come, finally, the day of redemption for the remaining King of Tokyo. It was Seirin vs. Shutoku, both teams having a bright and hot fire for victory. Coincidently, the weather seemed to know just who was facing off as well as the clouds gathered in the sky, the thunder rumbling softly as the rain began to trickle down to the ground.

The red and black team had been waiting in their locker room for one last member, the one that they had all been excited to see back in her uniform. (Y/N) had just gotten her brace off just hours beforehand and she was literally bouncing all over the place right after her doctor had told her to be careful. Hyuga finally had to walk behind the triple threat with his hands on her shoulders to make sure she didn't injure herself before their big game.

Riko was honestly a little nervous about this. She had heard from Kiyoshi about her breakdown when seeing her scars all out and in the open like they had been, so the coach didn't want her to go through that once again if she caught onto the boys' shock if they saw her.

"Now, guys, when (Y/N) comes back in, try not to stare too much at her scars. I'm sure you all already know just how bad it was when she got hurt, so she might be a little self-conscious about them," the second year coach informed the rest of the team.

What she hadn't noticed was that the triple threat had slowly and quietly opened the door when she had heard her cousin talking, thinking she was giving them a pep talk or going over the plan one more time. So some of the boys caught her peeking around the corner before she had actually heard what Riko was talking about.

"Riko, it's fine," the tall girl told her cousin as she came into the locker room, her whole uniform on.

They all turned towards her as she walked in, smiling as she came in. The scar on her shoulder and arm was definitely more visible as well as the one on her knee and the large one still on her thigh, though you could only see the edges of it from her shorts. None of them except for Kiyoshi and Riko had seen just how bad the scarring was, so there was a little bit of a shock factor when she had come in.

But there she stood, smiling like her usual self, her long hair down, and her uniform looking as good as ever.

"I'm really not as self-conscious about them anymore. Besides, like someone once told me," (Y/N) began as she glanced over at Kiyoshi.

The one who had told her she had nothing to be self-conscious about, because they were beautiful, and she was beautiful just as she was. The second year center had to smile back at her as she came further into the room, swinging her arm around her cousin's shoulder, and placing the other on her hip.

"I'm still the same (Y/N), no matter what. Now! Where's my photographer? I need to strike a pose!" the goofy girl suddenly announced as she pointed over to Koganei, who on cue, pulled out his phone as the girl took her arm off of Riko's shoulder.

Putting her scarred shoulder out front, the triple threat winked and smiled, sticking her tongue out as the cat faced second year and began clicking the camera, much like a professional photographer.

"Ah, yes, darling. Just like that!" Koganei imitated an accent as the (h/c) haired girl continued to take more goofy photos that also showed off her scars since they were now a part of her.

Riko felt relief right then and there, there was no sign of her little cousin being anxious or trying to hide anything. Instead, Seirin had gotten their girl back, and now they were witnessing her signature silliness right now, causing laughs and snickers to fill the room once (Y/N) stuck her tongue out once again, pulling her nose up to where she looked like a pig.

"Okay, Strike-A-Pose, you want your hair done or do you wanna do it yourself?" Hyuga then asked as he gave the sole female player a look like a parent would give to a child, holding out a hairbrush as he stood in front of one of the benches.

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