About Time

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     Atsumu stood in front of a boy who was kneeling on the ground, heavily chained up. From his mouth to his feet, there was nothing but metal covering him. But despite the security, Atsumu felt scared, he felt so small under the piercing gold eyes that was full of hate and anger.

     Atsumu lowered himself, showing his hands, presenting that he was not there to harm the latter. He needed the latter to trust him but he knew it was impossible, for now, he just needed for the wild boy to not attack or kill him on the spot the moment he releases him.

Atsumu: "I'm not here ta hurt ya..." He gulped down his fear. "We just need yer help." But the wild boy only glared and growled at him, wanting to break free from his bounds. "Please, help us." He lowered his head to the ground, begging. He stayed down until he couldn't hear the growling anymore. He looked up and saw that the wild boy had finally calmed down. "I- - I'm goin' ta free ya now." He kept his head down but his gaze was on the golden eyes.

     Atsumu started following Kuroo's instructions and opened the cell room. He walked around the wild boy who kept following him with his eyes. He took out the pin Kuroo told him to use and started unlocking the chains. First, he unlocked the ones on the feet, knees, and waist. Atsumu went around to finally face the wild kid. He started unlocking the chains on the chest, arms and hands. Lastly, Atsumu eyes the steel collar, the last thing that was holding back the beast of a kid. Atsumu's hands trembled as he reached for the last lock.


The collar fell to the floor.

Nobody moved but the two boys just stared at each other.

Atsumu: "I'm goin' ta take off yer mu- - muzzle now." The moment he took it off, he was tackled to the ground. Atsumu's eyes widened as he saw the malice on the latter's eyes. It was too late when Atsumu finally realized what was happening.

This boy was a real predator from the wild!

Waiting patiently to be finally free.

Waiting for the opportunity for the weak to lower its guard.

And waiting for the perfect time to attack.

     Atsumu finally felt that this was his final moment. He finally saw his death. He really wasn't going to get out of this hell. Everything was finally ending there and then. He was going to be killed in the hands of someone as unfortunate as him. He felt so hopeless but more disappointed in himself. He thought he was at least be able to help some kids get out but he failed. Now, it was only a matter of time before they find Wakatoshi, use Kuroo non stop, and lock up this boy again. Tears started pouring out of his eyes.

He was never going to see Osamu again.

     The wild kid gripped Atsumu's neck tighter, preventing any air from passing through. He lifted his other hand, revealing a set of nails that looked like deadly claws. Atsumu choked on his sniffles. He finally closed his eyes as the hand was coming down on him.

Atsumu: "I ju- - just wanted t- - ta go home."


     Wakatoshi came back to where Kuroo was but as he looked around, Atsumu was nowhere to be found. He quickly went to Kuroo. Feeling a bit uneasy. He only met the little omega a little while ago, yet he knew that he would do everything and anything for Atsumu. He would follow that boy any where.

Kuroo: "Did you find him?"

Wakatoshi: "No, where's Atsumu?"

Kuroo: "He hasn't returned yet- -" He hasn't even finished his sentence when the olive haired boy bolted to the way Atsumu went. Kuroo watched Wakatoshi run and was about to turn a corner but suddenly stopped. "You okay?" But Wakatoshi only raised his arms slowly.

     Wakatoshi slowly walked backwards revealing 3 guards pointing their guns at him. The boy was calm but horror was visible in Kuroo's face, he actually thought that he was finally getting out of this hell hole. He actually hoped that he was going to be saved for the first time.

Wakatoshi: "Get. Out. Of. My. Way." He threatened and it surprised Kuroo and the guards.

How is he not scared?

Kuroo thought.

Guard: "We're giving you 3 seconds to back down!" They aimed their guns at the boy's chest.

Kuroo: "Do as they say, you idiot!" He banged on the glass. "Don't be stubborn!" He didn't want the boy to get shot right in front of his eyes.

Guard: "1!" He shouted but Wakatoshi didn't move.

Kuroo: "Stop!" He kept banging on the glass, wanting to save the latter.

Guard: "2!" But Wakatoshi just glared at him. For Once, Kuroo didn't want to feel helpless.

Kuroo: "Please! Just let him go! I'll do whatever you guys want!" But he was ignored.

Guard: "3!"

Kuroo: "No!" But before the guards could shoot, they were knocked over by something in a flash. "What the hell!?" He followed the dark shadow that passed by and swiftly climbed the smooth wall like some jungle beast digging its claws on the wall like it was some kind of tree. "Holy shit!" The black box exploded and Kuroo's glass window went down. He was finally out! "I don't believe it..." He stared as he finally got a good look at the shadow who stood tall.

     The new character stood with his golden eyes shining bright. His grin was perfectly showing off his confidence. His messy black hair had white streaks. He was a little smaller than Wakatoshi but he was just as strong.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He locked eyes with Kuroo.

"I'm back!" Atsumu's head popped out from behind the wild boy, smiling brightly. He was on the latter's back. "Sorry we took so long." He got down.

Kuroo: "Nah..." He shrugged. Alarm blared and guards started swarming in. Kuroo grinned. "You guys are just... right on time." 






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