651. SM: Contracted

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

After the last stroke, he just waited for the master-servant contract to come into effect, as a result, a golden light threw Mu Xingyun out.

Mu Xingyun looked kind of embarrassed, he did not think he used the wrong contract.

So he grabbed Su Bei’s hand and tried to check out where went wrong.

Mu Xingyun fixed his eyes on Su Bei, “Who have you ever contracted with?”

Undressed, Su Bei also felt wronged. All the way, it was all Mu Xingyun, he completely had no idea what had happened.

Because Su Bei lying prone on the bed, with his ink-like fair scattered, making a vivid comparison with his fair skin, so seducing.

Plus that kind of unique bewitching feeling a fox demon was born with, the current Su Bei was wow!

Mu Xingyun threw the quilt on Su Bei, “Don’t look at me with that disgusting look!”

This guy even contracted with someone else, which would protect him!

But he felt something familiar in that power, as if it belonged to him.

This idea only appeared for a moment, then denied by Mu Xingyun.

However, Mu Xingyun was clearer that the use of the contract was more than that.

This made him feel more contradictory.

Su Bei asked him, “Are you going back to Mu family?”

Mu Xingyun gave a peep at him, “You want to know?”

Su Bei blinked, “Look at me, I even lost my demon elixir. Except asking you to protect me, I don’t think I have a second choice.”

Mu Xingyun smirked, as if hearing a big joke, “How would I, Mu Xingyun, protect a demon? I will only kill you.”

Su Bei secretly ridiculed, this duplicity bastard, “Oh, fine, then I’ll go.”

Speaking of which, he was about to get out of bed, as if he was really leaving.

Mu Xingyun blurted out, “Who let you go?”

Su Bei made twitch of his mouth. See? This captivating object is so janus-faced, “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t protect me?”

Mu Xingyun’s got a little distorted “I want your blood.”

The implication was to let Su Bei use his blood in exchange for his protection.

Su Bei sat on the bed, with his hands holding his head, exposing his arms, “If you drink too much of my blood, you know you’d get assimilated.”

Although the demon blood had a very good effect on the injury, but it could only be used for emergencies, one would turn into a demon if taking too much.

That kind of bloodthirsty semi-demon without human’s consciousness.

Mu Xingyun moved his eyes away from him, “Death and blood, you choose one.”

Su Bei was helpless, “Fine, fine, fine, if something happens, don’t blame me for not telling you.”

As they exposed their whereabouts when they went to the stronghold, the demons and the demon hunters both came.

Su Bei had no strength at all, so Mu Xingyun had to solve all the troubles.
And solving a number of demons, Mu Xingyun also got his white clothes stained with all blood. In the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Su Bei pointed to the ground soaked with blood, “You are so ferocious, isn’t it a waste? Their blood is also demon blood!”

Mu Xingyun threw him a hard stare, and Su Bei immediately shut his mouth, holding a knife to dig out the demon elixirs of those demons.

They can’t waste anything at such a time.

Mu Xingyun impatiently said, “hurry up.”

Su Bei then pocketed them one by one, “Coming.”

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