New Arrivals

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Domhnall Gleeson as Bill Weasley

"I've got my work cut out for me

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"I've got my work cut out for me."

"Well, hello to you too."

"What have those two done now?"

Sam Heughan as Charlie Weasley

"A right rambunctious one, that one

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"A right rambunctious one, that one."

"My love for dragons, I have been told, borderlines obsession.  I say not.  I just have an understanding for the misunderstood creatures."

"May I have this dance, milady?"

James and Oliver Phelps as Fred and George Weasley

James and Oliver Phelps as Fred and George Weasley

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"Oi, what did we do?!"

"I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good!"

Laura Vandervoort as Narcissa Malfoy (I love Helen McCoy but Laura just fits this story better.)

"As much as I love my son, he can be an idiot

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"As much as I love my son, he can be an idiot."

"The safety of my family comes before my own.  You will do well to remember that."

"Scorpius is the light of my son's life."

Otto Seppalainen as Draco Malfoy

"Pottah!  What is this contraption?"

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"Pottah!  What is this contraption?"

"Milady, welcome to my home."

"Scorpius, take that out of your mouth.  You don't know where it's been."

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