Diary Entry and Moonrise

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Just like any other day, Damon sat at Stefan's desk reading his latest diary entry just for kicks. The constant invasion of Stefan's privacy seemed to always bring a crooked smile to Damon's face. Although reading this latest entry, Damon's smile slowly fades into a concerned frown. It was dated for today, and some of the ink was still fresh. Stefan had stepped out to wherever he goes to feed on the local wildlife so Damon had some time to read. He could hear Stefan's voice in his head reading the entry...

"Today felt strange. Waking up knowing Katherine is gone for good. I only wished it was by my hand. Katherine had ruined so many lives, hurt so many people, it was inevitable that her actions would cause her permanent death. Her final victim was not someone she should have attacked. The young woman, Hermione, is a powerful witch who was caught off guard. Hermione survived due to Caroline quickly intervening and getting Hermione to safety.

It was when Hermione's sister learned of the attack that sealed Katherine's doom." Damon rolled his eyes at Stefan's recount of Katherine's death. He skimmed through the entry until he started reading about Stefan's and Caroline's visit to Leilani the day before. Again, the cocky vampire's expression seemed to be attuned to the emotions of this latest diary entry. The further he read, the more concerned he felt for his best friend.

"Caroline and I went to visit Leilani. We were worried about her in the aftermath of Katherine's death. Knowing what we know about what happens when a witch or wizard kills someone. It changes them and not for the better. Hermione had escorted the two of us to Lei's art studio, advising us to keep quiet. Surprisingly, Caroline wasn't the first to break the silence after we entered. I realized Leilani had painted a portrait of her Godfather. Of course, she doesn't refer to him as her Godfather but her Dogfather, which I find funny.

Lei practically jumped out of her skin when I asked her about the portrait. She claimed she was trying to find the courage to "wake him". Of course, both Caroline and I were confused until Lei whispered an incantation. Shockingly, Sirius' portrait did "wake up". He could move, talk, and recognize what was going on. Caroline and I stayed where we were sitting against the wall and watched Leilani recap everything that had happened since Sirius' death.

She went into detail about the injuries she, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, and a few others received. I was shocked to learn Voldemort and Lei were connected through her scar and he used it to invade her mind then possessed her body for a brief moment. Leilani was able to overcome the possession and throw him out. Towards the end of the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, as it was later called, several of their law enforcement showed up and realized Lei was telling the truth about Voldemort's resurrection. Their ministry had been declaring Leilani a liar and attention seeker before the truth finally came to light.

Leilani went on to describe how she had to be moved from her home to a safe house once she came of age. During which they found a mole amongst them. The way she described this man, I know if I was there, I would have gone ripper. He caused the death of a good man, injured several others, and caused the death of Lei's familiar and friend.

Lei had to take a brief moment to gather herself when she thought of her friend, the Snowy white owl named Hedwig. She had flown beside Lei and had intercepted the killing curse aimed for Leilani. Since she was traveling by way of a flying motorcycle (That was unbelievable to hear.), she couldn't retrieve Hedwig for a proper burial. I didn't have to look at Caroline to know she was crying, I could hear her sniffling beside me. But we stayed quiet and listened to Leilani tell her story.

There was a point where the four of us were laughing when Lei told Sirius about having to dawn a disguise for Bill and Fleur's wedding as a balding, overweight man in his late forties. Then three of us sat open-mouthed when Lei, Hermione, and Ron had to go on the run. Leilani, Hermione, and Ron had bounties on their heads, so they couldn't show their faces in public. Leilani had laughed at herself saying she will never go camping again."

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