Chapter 5

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*One week later*
I laid sprawled out on my bed just thinking about kazuto and what my mom thinks of him. "Damn it" I mumbled to myself. "Why can't she just like him?" I sighed and grabbed my fluffy white pillow and placed it on my face. Sitting like that for a while, I slowly heard footsteps by my door. "That's odd" I whispered to myself again I tossed my pillow over to the side and slowly got up. I started thinking to myself, I'm the only one home and I thought the door was locked. I guess not, I slowly put my hand on the door handle and pressed my cheek against the door seeing if I could hear someone talking. Nothing... I couldn't hear anything besides someone walking passed my door a few times. I started getting shaky and scared. what if someone's here to hurt me what if.... no I can't convince myself these bad thoughts. I slowly turned the doorknob and when I opened it I saw kazuto... "Asuna I've been looking for you!" He said with his voice a little shaky. "W-what's wrong kazuto?" I said worriedly. he was breathing heavily and I could see the worry in his eyes. "Haven't you seen the news Asuna? It's all over the news!" He said still trying to calm down almost as if he was running for a long amount of time. "There was a fire at the school and I knew how much you like to study and I thought u stayed there today! I thought I lost you!!" He hugged me tightly. "w-what how did the fire happen in the first place?" I said still shocked from the news. "no one knows but the schools okay they happened to put it out in time before it spread. but we have to wait a week to go back, they have to make sure it's safe." He said still kind of having a shaky tone. "Oh okay, so uh kazuto are you staying here for a while?" I said quickly glancing at the clock. he replied "yea I kind of wanted to hang out with you, you've just been so busy we haven't really hung out in a week." I started thinking well my mom is gone for the night too on a business trip. "you could even stay the night!" I said excitedly. "W-what!? What about your mom?" I giggles a little "My moms out on a business trip for the night, so we have all night, I also need my hero to make sure I'm safe" his eyes twinkled and I fell under his gaze once again and his cheeks started to go a little bit Rosey. I kind of giggled, then he softly grabbed my chin looking into my eyes. he softly pressed his lips against mine, I closed my eyes to savor the moment. I don't even remember the last time we even kissed!. He softly let go of my chin and looked into my eyes as they Fluttered open, then with his hand he grabbed mine. "Asuna I love you" he said and he blushed when he said it he looks so adorable when he blushes. "I love you too Kazuto" I kind of giggled at the sight of him smiling brightly. He softly spoke to me and said "what would you like to eat tonight Darling?" Hmmmmmmm I thought to myself.... normally I wasn't the one who chose dinner.. "Anything that you want kazuto" his eyes lite up. "We should have your Famous sandwiches" he said. "Okay" I smiled and grabbed his hand, Then walked out of my room and down the stairs.
Hayyyy sorry if this chapters a little confusing I was trying to add a little bit of action.
😏soon soon. but I hope u like my book. don't forget to
🌺and follow
Thanks love y'all ❤️❤️😝

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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