Season 7 Episode 4: Defending your Life

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Sam took the news of Robin's species as she expected. He was touched she felt safe to tell him, apologized for scaring her over the years. He had so many questions for her but needed to keep it hush hush. Dean still didn't know, and truth was, Robin was far more afraid of him than Sam. Sam considered himself a freak, which gave him a different perspective. Meanwhile Dean had warmed to the whole, not all freaks are monsters mentality, there was something in the back of Robin's mind that made her wonder if John's shoot first ask questions later teachings were still in play.

The three were headed out on a hunt. Just a regular hunt, no Leviathan, no demons, a back to their roots, hunt. It felt amazing, as sick as that was to think when while impersonating FBI agents and walking into a crime scene.

As they asked questions on the scene there was something odd about the cause of death. Mainly that it seemed like the vic had been hit by a car on the tenth floor. They attempted to scope it out the apartment further while the officers searched. There was very little worth noting. Sam found some red dirt on the carpet, while Dean found a ten year sobriety coin, and Robin skimmed through his bank statements. There was a fifty-dollar charge to a place called Jane's once a month she took note of. Dean proclaiming his discomfort with AA meetings chose to check out Jane's, while Robin and Sam scoped out AA.

"So suddenly you're with me on cases huh" Sam asked?

"We could say it's because you know and I'm glad for it which is true" she told him, "Or I could tell you the truth that I'm scared shitless to tell Dean, and now that you know, clock is ticking".

"Just tell him" Sam told her, "He may surprise you".

"And he might gank me" she nodded.

"Are you scared he's going to kill you, or are you scared he's going to reject you" Sam asked her?

"Shut it Winchester" she snapped.

When they questioned the leader of the AA group, she didn't shed much light on the situation. Turned out the vic wasn't terribly forthcoming. All she knew for sure was about a week ago he'd been close to taking a drink and she had done her best to talk him off the ledge.

Meanwhile, Jane's turned out to be a floral shop, the victim's standing order was for the gravesite of a ten year old girl. The girl had died being struck by a car backing out of it's driveway. The driver? The victim. Equating this to a vengeful ghost, the trio hit up the cemetery that night, salted, burned the bones and called it a day.

The next morning Robin was getting out of the shower when she heard Sam knock on the door, "Robin I got something" he called to her.

She cracked the door, "I'm not decent" she shouted, "But I'm listening".

"Listen to this. "A local man, Christopher Fisher, was ripped to shreds in a wild animal attack last night." Sam read out from the news paper "From the restroom of a diner. Guy called 911 claiming he was being chased, none of the patrons saw the dog he claimed was after him".

"We got anything on this guy" Robin asked sliding into her jeans and walking out?

"You gonna put a shirt on before you come out here" Sam asked her?

"Why Sammy" she snapped as she grabbed a flannel from the bed, "Do they distract you"?

"Whoa" he said looking at his laptop.

"Okay apparently they do" she shrugged to Dean, who was trying to act like he wasn't looking at her.

"No" Sam shook his head, "This guy has a history with dogs".

Robin buttoned up her shirt as she came over to look over Sam's shoulder. "Dog fighting ring" she nodded, "But a ghost dog" she asked?

"That sounds weird" Dean nodded.

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