your not to bad

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"HOLY FUCK I GOT CASTED HAHA SUCK ME ASSHOLES" you scream and you read the email that you've been casted in a new movie called "the black phone" you got casted as Gwen "REALLY OH SHIT THATS AMAZING' your older sisters screams you lived with her for now since your mom is in school to become a nurse

"AH EVERYONE CAN CHUPAR UN PITO (suck a dick)" you say as you run around your house "wait shit I have to start packing if it's on a whole different city" you say as you realize you have to be there by next week

"fuck" you say as you run upstairs to start packing

--time skip-

You get to Wilmington, north Carolina you get to your hotel room apparently they booked one for you but you cane alone since your sister had work

--time skip---

You get into your hotel room and it's so white and fancy the first thing you do is jump on the bed "damn it's so white in here Dios mio" you decide to go explore you get dressed and leave the room "it smells like hotel" you say as you walk around you decide to go to the elevator to play with it and press all the buttons but as you get in someone else gets in he has blonde curly hair

Y/n pov:

"Hey" he says as he faces to look at me "Oh hey" I say back with a slight smile "are you visiting?" No mf im here for ny std test "no I'm here for some movie I'm apparently part off" I say shrugging it off "holy shit no way me too" he says turning to me "wait rlly what movie the black phone?" I say getting exited aw hell yeah i wont be alone "yeah omg I got cast too" he says "who did you get casted as?" I say standing in front of him now "fi-" suddenly the elevator opens and some old ass man walks in we stare for a while "you gonna let me in?" The old man asks no go to the other one oldy "yeah sorry" I say we leave the elevator as soon as the door closes we burst out laughing "I wonder how stupid we just looked?"

I say laughing "right that poor guy" he replies after a while we calm down "Oh btw I'm Mason and I got casted as finney" he says as we start walking down the hotel halls "Oh shit I'm y/n and I got cast as Gwen" i say with a smile "Oh cool your my TV sister" he says smiling the fuck isna tv sister "TV sister?" I say confused "yeah sister only on tv" he explains "ohhhhh" i say understanding damn I just looked stupid as hell

"You wanna go back to my room?" I ask as I stop walking "yeah sure" Mason says as we go back to the elevator "okay let's go" after a while we get there i open the door and flop on the bed "Oh your hotel rooms right next to mine" he says looking at the number "Oh damn that's cool" ill bang on the walls later we stay in there for a while eating all the snacks in the room "you wanna go meet the other people?" Mason asks "Oh God no ill starts crying" i say as I laugh ill probably shut myself too "come on please for me" he says begging no asshole I just met you

"I Barley know you" I say as I sit up "and?" He asks pretending to be offended what if you steal my shit "your not to bad" I say getting up "yay" we leave the room and we start walking to a random room Mason knocks on the door and some random guy opens it "hello?" The old man says I burst out laughing as Mason stands there embarrassed the old guy closes the door "IT WAS THE SAME ONE FROM THE ELAVATOR" Mason says as he starts running back to my room I laugh harder as I catch up to him I open the door and I lay down still laughing at what happaned pendejo i think to myself you sit in silence for a while

"You wanna play music" I suggest "sure" Mason says standing up "okay" I say smiling as I open Spotify "Gramerly can help" says an add "bro omg I need Spotify premium" I say as the ad plays "finally" I say as la Chona plays "ah hell yeah I fucking love this song as the lyrics play "I didn't know you were Hispanic?" Mason says as he looks at me vibing to this banger ass song bro really thought i was a gringa "damn I look white" I say looking at my arms "not really" Mason says as the song plays then whyd you think i was white " e la chona se mueve e la gente le grita no ay mejor que la chona para la-" you get cut off "okay I get it, it's a good song" Mason says "how dare you cut me off" you say offended lemme play my shit or leave gringo

After a couple songs play it gets dark "holy shit it's 10 pm" you say realizing "shit I should get to sleep" Mason says getting up "yeah ofc I'll see you tmr" you say as you pause the music "oh wait do you have snap?" Mason asks "lemme add you" he adds "Oh yeah ofc its y/s (your snap)" you say adding yourself "thanks I'll text you later" he says leaving "or you can knock on the door" you scream as he leaves you start to get unready taking off the clothes you had on and putting on a shirt and sweat pants you take off whatever makeup you had left on which was rare bc you never take it off anyway you turn off the lights and turn on the TV to see what shit shows were on

You end up falling asleep to some show that looked like a fever dream.

A/n so that was the first chapter lmk know if you like it guys and if I should make more the story while continue to get juicier I promise

Miguel X reader (black phone)♡♡Where stories live. Discover now