08: Heather

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The day Henry announced he'd marry Veronica was the same day Heather entered a mansion surrounded by blinding golden tablets, beaming silver spoons, and shining chandeliers hanging above a roman-styled flooring.

This mansion was very different from the old-castle most Lorde's trained and stayed for all their younger years. Truly, this mansion was like the dream castle in her young and princess imagination, towering and beautiful in its white and gold walls.

And just like any castle from fairy tales, a prince lived in this mansion; a handsome, tall, yet... infamous one. And even though Heather would be the step sister, it didn't matter to her, having a brother was a dream for an only-child like Heather.

Zed Nuevas have this blinding features and a drop-dead gorgeous stare. No, for real, when he stares at you with his cold piercing gray eyes you'd feel your stomach turn up and down.

He had the most perfectly refined nose, the most flawlessly carved jaw line. His skin seemed to gloss and shine when shot by sun rays like a vampire's skin – like diamonds.

His muscles were big but not obnoxiously built.

He was rumored to be the most handsome Lorde in history but was also the one that convinced everyone to commit parricide and massacre the whole bloodline because of his strong grudge against his father.

However, if there was someone on Earth who gives the most benefit of doubt to others, it would be Heather. She didn't believe all these accusations, and would be the first one to defend Zed with, "Maybe he did it for a reason."

The only thing Heather was puzzled of was as to why Zed Nuevas never used Lorde as his surname, even on any occasions or articles that he got featured with, it was Nuevas, and Nuevas, and Nuevas.

Lorde was a famous and well-known surname upon the lineage of Philippine Elites; by having it next to your name, you're basically a class-S persona in the whole world.

Some cousins of Heather commented that Zed was inhuman and did not deserve the surname. Heather rejected the accusations and defended Zed with, "Maybe he did it for a reason."

There were two reasons why Heather won't believe the accusations. First, she hadn't seen it yet. Second, knowing Henry Lorde, the multi-billionaire, and no matter how explicit this sounds like, Heather was sure no asshole would come out of Henry's testicles.

Henry's nobility and stature were that of a standard king.

But Heather's expectations and years of defending Zed shattered into pieces once she witnessed how Zed almost bit Henry's head off.


"Are you really trying to provoke me, Zed!" Henry's deep voice echoed on the golden walls of the mansion.

"Papa, calm down." Heather held his stepfather's left arm.

"We can table this conversation." Veronica was on the right side, wearing a floral dress, holding Henry's right arm.

The sight of them together seemed to make the person Henry was shouting at squint in disgust. "What a big happy family," Zed snickered. His deep and voice matched his black leather jacket and gray shirt.

"I'm going to get violent with you!" Henry's voice sent shivers down on every audience's spine. The maids had already peeked their heads at a marble pillar. Hearing Henry's angered voice, they knew something was about to go down.

Meanwhile, it was Heather's first-time seeing Zed. And she had realized that the rumors, bad and good, were all true.

Heather looked at Zed. Zed's one hand was in his pocket and his left hand kept fidgeting with his motorcycle keys. He has these 190cm stature that even surpassed Henry's 175cm height.

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