Chapter 4, Act III - The Maze Guards.

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"So you're telling me," Bianca said, sipping a coffee, "that we're supposed to guard the Labyrinth for six months, nonstop?" Her voice was brittle, attempting to disguise her nervousness at the idea of this task.

"You don't have to come along. I figure the job would be easier, and that way, we can take shifts. Time is different in the Labyrinth, anyways. A week in the Labyrinth probably translates to around a month and a half, if not longer. So, to my estimate, somewhere between three and five weeks." I guessed. She sighed. "I'll come with you, but if either of us get seriously hurt..." I nodded in understanding of her unspoken threat.

We took a few hours to prepare, and stopped for breakfast in the mess hall before we took to the trenches to find the entrance again.

"So you're saying," Jason said, chewing on a mouthful of his food, "that there's an entrance to the Labyrinth made back in Crete, just below the Field of Mars, and Saturn's army may intend to use it?" I nodded. "And my father has tasked you with guarding the inside, to verify nothing gets out of the maze?" He continued.

"That's right. There are some creatures that shouldn't be in the Labyrinth. My personal fear is that Saturn placed some of those creatures in the Labyrinth, which means this war might be more serious than I anticipated. But don't tell anyone I said that much." I warned them. He nodded. "Are you sure the two of you are gonna be alright? I'm sure the fifth can lend some people to keep guard." Gwen offered.

I shook my head. "Mars should be sending some sort of guards to be sitting outside of the entrance, should Bianca and I fail. Regardless, we can't bring very many people there. Two is plenty. Any more than that is a security risk." Gwen seemed to accept that, and we continued eating in silence.

When we finished, Bianca and I broke off from the group, headed to the Field of Mars. I pressed my hand to the ground, searching with geokinesis for the trench I was in the previous night. It didn't take long to find and open the trench. We slid down into it, and I pressed my thumb to the Delta. The floor opened beneath us, and we fell, once again, into the maze.

Dungeon Level 127!

Would you like to enter?


The No was grayed out. I pressed Yes, and a notification flashed in front of the two of us, and Bianca leapt back at the "Ding!"

Wave 1/30!

Would you like to begin?


I figured that the System probably would make it so we would be done in here by the time we finished the thirtieth wave, then. "Alright. This is different than usual. It looks like it's just a Dungeon where we have to protect an area. Like an off-brand tower defense game." I mused.

"I'm gonna hazard a guess that we're gonna be allowed to take breaks between waves, so we can regenerate. When we're done with the final wave, I guess the System will speed up time so we can leave. So get ready, Bia." I said, unsheathing my Stygian Iron sword.

She unslung her bow from her back, and drew an arrow. "Just a tip, Bia. You have an inventory where you can keep stuff. Just call for it, in the future." She nodded. "We can start the first wave now." At her affirmation, I pressed Yes.

Wave 1/30!


About a dozen or so skeletons emerged from the corridors. "This is easy. Skeletons, dismissed." I waved my hand, and they crumbled away. By the time I pressed Yes for the second wave, my MP was already restored. The first few waves were easy. The two of us tore through various mythological creatures.

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