First Encounter

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Scales POV

So guys I ended up gaining access to the internet. Sort of. I can't actually use it to communicate with anyone, but I can still watch YouTube and read fanfics people post and stuff like that, so that should be a good distraction. I'm glad I finally glad to have internet after going 2 weeks without it. I got it by finally meeting Luka! So like I game he heard reports of a monster, except this time it was me. And him being him he of course checked it out while everyone hid.

Luka: Everyone in the village is scared of you. But if you don't mean to harm anyone...

Scales: I don't, I don't. I was just wondering around outside looking for a wild boar or deer to eat. I was hungry, ok? And before you ask, I'm not sex obsessed like female monsters. And since your probably gonna ask, yes I'm male.

Luka: That's odd, I've never heard of a male monster before. Or even a monster that looks like you. All monsters I've heard of have at least a somewhat human appearance.

Scales: What can I say? I'm one if a kind. And ya don't have to worry about me attacking your village or anything. I won't attack unless provoked. I won't even enter unless you guys invite me, but that most likely won't happen.

Luka: Ok, that's good to hear.

Scales: Why you even here? From what I can tell you're not even done training, since I seen and heard you come into the forest to train.

Luka: No one else was willing to confront you. So I figured it was my duty as a hero in training to do so.

Scales: Ya got guts kid, I'll give you that. But next time make sure you're more prepared. The females will eat you alive. Some quite literally. 

Luka: Noted. My training will be finished in about a year.

So that's the time we're in, a year before the game.

Scales: Ok, good luck I guess. Also mind keeping me a secret from everyone since nobody in your village really likes monsters? Don't even tell Illias since she especially doesn't like monsters.

Luka: The villagers I can do but really? Keep such a secret from her?

Scales: Luka. You know how she views monsters, considering you didn't attack me I'd say you're not interested in harming monsters, are you?

Luka: No. I wish for humans and monsters to coexist peacefully.

Scales: Ya got big dreams. Anyways if you truly feel that way, please keep me a secret.

Luka seemed to think about it.

Luka: Ok, I won't tell.

Scales: Thank you.

After that I got an award called First Encounter, which led to the internet access. Since he now knew about me, I decided to occasionally talk to him every now and again.

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